There's a pretty good
thread from when it first came out. I was actually thinking about this the other day, with his commentary on Leary's 8-Circuit Brain theory. I like Kent's suggestion that what Leary thought of as higher circuits are actually the same
modules at different levels of resonant activity.
The theory also seems like it could explain a few general aspects of meditation, and the Theravada jhanas as well. One of the really frustrating and confusing things when I first started out with meditation, was how I would be sitting in a really good groove and suddenly things would shift out with thoughts popping up like mad. Once I kept sitting with it though, suddenly I would end up in an even deeper state.
Kent's model suggests that there are different stable levels of activity/resonance in the mind separated by noisy/chaotic spaces. A great way to visualize it, for anyone who hasn't read the book, uses
cymatics. So each jhana, or unique stable meditation state, would be represented by one of the stable shapes that form to a sound frequency, and the spaces betweet represented by the random distributions.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms