Eudaimōn wrote:I have been feeling the sensation of a pulse, or concentrated energy in my forehead just in between the eyes. Last night this concentrated energy peaked, my eyes rolled back into my head and a flash of incredibly bright light took over my whole vision. It only lasted a second.
It's just so obvious that your Ajna chakra has been activated by your transformative entheogenic journeys. I sense that you meditate regularly? I believe that this is the single most important tool for soul attunement. The third eye is both a vortexial fulcrum interconnected to the pineal gland and simultaneously, an access to higher and still higher frequencies of elevated conscious-awareness.
The light is seen at this point and beyond simply envisioning this wonder, we incrementally become accustomed to moving our focussed awareness, by sheer intent, through this effulgent portal. Naturally, the light pulses blindingly, until immersion dissolves the mortal membrane separating the observer from that which is observed. This leads into the expansion of the self, transcending all barriers and shifting into the full bloom of the Sahasrara crown chakra. From this transcendent point, oneself and the light become a singular, undifferentiated field of energy. Hence, the explossive brilliance of a whiteout experience.
Eudaimon wrote:In light of all of this, I feel the concentrated energy around my third eye point ins't just the delusions of a naive new-ager, but something perhaps more significant. Having a blast of intense light dominate my whole spectrum of vision last night left me speechless, thoughtless and in awe. Perhaps it was just my pineal gland squeezing out a tryptamine fart. I'm not sure, but I'd be happy to hear of any similar occurrences or possible explanations. I am at a loss.
Thank you. Om Namah Shivaya.
It's not uncommon for shamans, psychonauts and sadhakas alike, to have such powerful inner light experiences, just prior to deep sleep states. It's the same if waking up in the middle of the night and doing concentration meditation (fully prone or upright in sitting posture) This becomes the norm. And your parable about your pineal gland "squeezing out a tryptamine fart" is quite likely spot on... and very, very funny at that!
There is no self to which I cling, for I am one with everything.