I am quite aware of the power of OM, it's sacredness and it's ability to heal and maintain life. I know this may sound like an impossible feat, but I believe that anything is possible. I strongly believe that each and everyone of us is creating this reality, through our thoughts and beliefs and that we are amazing incredible Gods-in training given this amazing creative ability. I believe that together we can bring peace and harmony to this reality, by changing ourselves - I have started "OMing" every day for about a week now, and I already am seeing a BIG difference in my reality. I would like each and everyone of you to join our global community on facebook, and together I believe we can create a Global change.... just imagine if Thousands or millions OM'd in harmony, or even through out the day individually! - Imagine the impact it would have on the world...
I believe I came here to help usher in "the age of aquarius", the new age.... and I know that I am not alone <3
Please join me <3
https://www.facebook.com/WorldOmHealingWhen Humanity recognizes that it is intimately connected to each other, the animals, plants - the Earth - to the Divine, perhaps we will know peace. I came here to help the world remember it's truth, but got lost along the way.