steppa wrote:yopoagogo wrote:
For instance, most of you (even despite your multiple psychedelic experiences) are still operating under the premise of physicalism which is what is handed out to every western high school student(Worldwide Brainwashing). Phsyicallism is thus:
-There REALLY IS a physical reality OUT THERE and it's not just sense data in your brain.
It doesn't matter if it REALLY is or not as we percieve what we percieve.
Quote:-You REALLY ARE are one among billions of humans and not just one individual in a simulation imitating similar beings to yourself, (Matrix).
If it wasn't like this, which may be the case...what would it change for us?
Quote:-You REALLY ARE actually in a place called "earth" in something called "the universe" which is a stable construction of space and time. You therefor are not actually in a multidimensional continuem where space and time merge into unfathomable constitutions just as a single dot merges into a straight line or atoms into material.
If it wasn't like this, which may be the case...what would it change for us?
AND...if all of the above things you mentioned were wrong, which may be the case...
How can you be so sure that DMT exists?
It doesn't matter if it REALLY is or not as we percieve what we percieve.
Yes, you percieve what you percieve but blind perception means nothing unless you INTERPERET what you are percieving!
Therefor, interperitation means EVERYTHING! I mean that in the sense for example, of
NIRVANA say...
experiencing reality without any conceptual attatchment, this is still a matter of interperating perception, just in a radically different way from what is deemed normal but majority of people who inhabit earth.
What would it change for us? On the surface no dramatic alteration may take place because you are only
entertaining an alternative notion of reality and not employing it to be absolute truth.
If you were to employ it or rather "believe it" as absolute truth (which would require some type of indoctrination which may or may not be less or more than our current 12 years of schooling) there would be similar effects to my answer above. A shift in interperating information and especially in localizing information into different conceptual categories. For instance, if you were somehow to come to a inscrutable realisation which was nevertheless affirmed undeniable to your beliefs that other people were "phonies"... Would you interperate there intentions differently? If you were mentally dull, you might just brush it aside for ease of living and try to keep living in the old patterns of thought but if you had sufficient mental discernemnt &
imagination you would investigate then analysis and build an entirely new structure of dealing with the "phony" peoples unexplicable intent and origin. The trouble with contempory brains is they lack a good deal of imagination... hence psychedelics.
As for precicely what it would change for us, no person can answer for they would have to be submersed in the experience itself to grasb the nature, understand & essence of it wholesomly.
This is the same question only above universal architecture rather than personal circumstance although they are mutual they are mutally exlusive too.
The nearest I can write to you about this is the word
Transcendance and I hope it is the reason for our existing in this universe... althrough I
personally doubt it throughly, as the rest of nature seems to be nothing but a huge let down (Animals live all there life trying to stabalize there existence with food and sex only to fall prey to ravenous predators. Never did they entire in communion with intense boundry breaking experiences or transcend their restrictive intelligence. Although some offer the theories of reincarnation or heaven as a means of remuneration for the absolute abominable stale, boring, malicious and ultimately valueless nature of experience of existence especially as an animal.
But what would it change for us? It would be unfathomable to this current state but I am sure it would be beautiful given it is even possible (Like slamming on to someone 5 billion new sensory modalities!
If all my assumptions were wrong (which probably IS the case as well as all assumptions about everything!) how could I be sure DMT exists?
That question is beyond my ability to analyse things but I will prefer to relate DMT to the nature of the substance that gives rise to it and myself included. Does that exist? It certainly seems counter-intuitive to think it DOESN'T exist... Mainly because like Descartes famous notion it is too hard to seperate experience from a certainty of being so ("being so" meaning existing as authentic, genuine, indisputably true).
Many Monks, Mystics & Psychonauts exclaim the self is not so. If the self is not so, even despite it's intuitive nature to seem real... What can be said about the nature of existence itself?
Supposing it isn't real, I would still feel that it might be very unlikely that we could have any capacity to realize that or even
anything else about the nature of what gives rise to us. Just like computer programs can't escape the computer to know what a computer is itself.