Yeah, it's definitely localized in my neck. I've tried exercise, stretching daily, drinking more water, spending less time on the computer, icing it, all of which certainly helps. I haven't been doing as much of that lately as a large flare up at the beginning of the summer was very frustrating as I felt I was doing everything 'right' and I got pretty depressed about it.
When I initially talked to my Doctor I was hoping to get a muscle relaxer for it as I was convinced it was muscle related. But I haven't had any neck injuries and I told him that it was aggravated mostly by stress, hence the Valium.
Right now I feel like I've been stuck in a positive feedback loop for the last four months or so with my headaches feeding my depression and anxiety which feeds back into my headaches. I try not to take the Valium often but it and Ibuprofen do help.
That's encouraging

I was considering broaching it with my Doctor but he's my families GP and I feel weird going into my reasoning why I feel Moclobemide is the right medication for me, especially the Ayahuasca use. I'm also not sure he'd be familiar with it offhand. He's offered to refer me to a neurologist so I may try that route.