Wow! Where to begin? I am a well seasoned responsible psychonaut with 10+ years under my belt within the fungi and lsd realms. I had been successfully treating a whole host of medical malodiess, including esophageal beginning stage cancer, consistantly, on a daily basis with said Earth medicines in harmony with marijuana/Rick Simpson oil, and was achieving a brand new state of physical, mental, emotional, and Spiritual health in doing so. I achieved understanding and healing aspects via energy/Chi as well as the ability to fully function as a business owner, Mom, Wife, and Artist while under the influence of these gifts, in more than generous amounts. I am not promoting my experience as we are all so very unique, but only wish to with all honesty share my life changing gift. I was enjoying daily regular useage of 'Magic' Mushroom goodness in excess of an oz per every few days in unison with a lot (went thru several vials over a period of 5 months or so) of lsd. Many close friends found my tolerance/reaction to be profoundly odd...(Please keep in consideration that I had slowly over a decade achieved this tolerance?) only was I becoming healthier, more agile, stronger, and energetic, I was also better spoken, had more ease in communicating and helping others with emotional troubles...a side effect of sorts..*I should mention, I had been diagnosed with Social Anxiety Disorder, GAD (general anxiety disorder), Panic attacks resulting in fainting, Barretts Esophagus; aka; begining stage throat cancer, had a pea size lesion, endometriosis, advanced degenerative disc disease, a kind of born with Turners muscular disease, frozen shoulder and carple tunnel, phew!
For one reason or another Gaia's bounty worked well for me in every asspect! I began to delve deeper in my research during this change, these substances had made a very notable impression, positive, and reviving, sending my inner thirst for remembering into overdrive, I became certian that DMT was going to be an absolute catalyst in my moving forward on this journey. I was prepared and quite gididly excited in light of this new prospect.
Within a week I was blessed with a bounty of fine off-white cream color like powder which had a nice soft organic texture much like kief from our beloved maryjane; ( organic in texture, extreme in effectiveness! ) Little did I know, my blessed life was about to embark upon a whole new level of journeying, healing, growing, and ohh so much more!
Have the passion, take the action and Magic wil