It's occurred to me on several occasions that in my breakthroughs, I often see my family or friends mixed in with the hyperspace entities. Interacting with them is somewhat out of the question, or maybe it isn't? So it's structured like this. If I ease myself into the breakthrough, or have a slightly sub-breakthrough, I might see "panels" if you will...or at least that's what happened last time. In one of my larger panels, I saw the entities and could interact with them as I saw fit. On the right, I saw my dad, who is still alive. It always slightly alarms me, because he's 70 years old. Struggling to find the meaning in it...I sometimes ask if this is a message that my time with him is short. The rational part of my brain says that he's showing up in the experience because I interacted with him not too long ago.
To follow this train of friends were in town not too long ago. They were in the room with me when I hit the pipe. Inside the experience, I could see the rainbow version of their essence, and they began to behave like hyperspace entities. A sort of translation of them if you will. Now, I bring this up because I don't see them in my least not until they recently talked to me and were in my life.
Which brings me to my next thought. In this most recent experience, I saw a very small panel in the top left corner of my "vision." It was an older man, and he was trying to talk with me. He had a baseball bat, or some sort of baseball paraphernalia. He was trying to talk to me, and I asked him who he was. He became distracted and started talking about all the noise. I said, never mind the noise...if you want to speak with me, then I'm paying attention. So he told me that he was my dead grandfather. I paused for a moment, then said, "If that's true, then I've heard stories about you. I've heard that you were a great man." He smiled and put away his baseball stuff, then seemed emotionally moved. I looked down at the entities, and they were smiling the kindest smile I've ever seen.
As I was coming down, I wondered if he was really my grandfather, or if it was an entity that wanted to become a part of the grandfather know that someone loved him. I wasn't sure...this is all speculative in my eyes. However, I did want to get some opinions if possible. Not necessarily on my experience...because that's for me to figure out. Has anyone else seen friends and family members in their own personal experiences? I would be very curious. Thanks for reading