It's really great to be joining this community.
I was introduced to DMT and the plant world about three years ago. A few ayahuasca ceremonies helped me a great deal in overcoming a negative relationship with marijuana. It showed me the importance of connecting and reconnecting with family, friends and the community. I started to understand who I am and my identity in all its aspects started to flourish. It made me realise that I need to drop my guard and allow myself to be vulnerable. It taught me that the universe is on my side when I act in the interest of the greater good rather than selfishly. And it touched me with a love and joy so powerful and accepting that I can draw on it to give me strength when I need it.
The fifth time I drank aya, I entered the space free of crutches and vices that I had seeked help with in the past, and I asked the vine to introduce me to the plant world. She stepped back in the journey and allowed the acacia to take the centre stage (acacia courtii in this case) and I spent that evening reeling in amazement as this plant communicated with me directly. Up to that point I had only felt the presence of the vine and although her messages were clear and her love was immensely powerful, I had never had such a clear dialogue with her like it was with this acacia. It truly was a communication where our spirits were face to face and we were rapidly getting to know each other and becoming friends. The next morning I felt as if I had made a new friend and that is exactly what it was.
I've interacted with the courtii a number of times since then as well as a number of other acacias. It didn't come as a surprise, but it was still mind-blowing to understand that each acacia is it's own spirit and personality and it fills me with so much happiness to know that there are so many plant friends out there to befriend and learn from. They have encouraged me to become more involved with the plants and I am slowly beginning to work with them and for them. There are so many people in my life that can benefit from the healing and the magic of ayahuasca and the acacias and I am brimming with excitement as the plans to introduce more and more people are starting to becoming a reality. I have complete faith in the plants that I know, and their support and friendship is so beautiful.
I still am in awe at the nature of reality. When I was a kid I wished magic and fantasy weren't just for the realm of fiction and now that I'm an adult I suddenly know that they aren't. This has powerfully changed my outlook of the world.
I look forward to meeting this community. I value this site a lot for the wealth of knowledge and information that it holds and I hope that I can contribute too.