PRE-CONDITIONS(mind)Set: Clear, calm, ready
(physical condition) Set: stoned as i medicate with cannabis for fibromyalgia
Setting (location): Bedroom in my home, silence, a friend who has done it before sitting at the side to assist if needed and to ground me if needed. white LED Christmas lights round the top of my bedroom ceiling were on static
time of day: Around midnight
recent drug use: tramadol(rarely for my fibromyalgia not had any in a few months so none in my system) Lots of cannabis. FECO(Full extract cannabis oil) joints(Cannabis+Tobacco+FECO)
last meal: Around 20 hours before some coffee, water, citrus juice (partial fast as was preparing for taking cubensis at the time)
body weight: around 96kg (between 10.5 and 11.5 stone)
known sensitivities: mainly effects from fibromyalgia controlled with cannabis (nerve pain, muscle spasms, back pain)
history of use: Cannabis: Heavy user / DMT: First Timer
BIOASSAYSubstance(s): cannnabis, NN-DMT
Dose(s): Cannabis unknown quantity just as and when all day. DMT 50mg
Method of administration: Cannabis (Joints and vapour pen) DMT: Vapourised in bong (2 gause, Cannabis, DMT, Cannabis) 2 big bong hits, tried going for three but i dropped out and couldn't even hold onto the lighter or the bong
EFFECTSAdministration time: (around midnight not to sure on time
Duration: 14 Minutes
First effects: within seconds of breathing out first hit
Peak: Within a minute or so
Come down: Unsure around 10 minutes
Baseline: Unsure to exited and adrenaline pumping talking about experience with my minder after 1am when i realized the time
Intensity (overall): 4
Evaluation / notes: 4, a lot of oh my what the what!! and pffffffff wholy crap!
OPTIONALPleasantness: 4
Implesantness: 1
Visual Intensity: 4
AFTER-EFFECTSHangover: Didn't realize any hangover effects, this could be from the pure feeling of being totally blown away from it
Afterglow: 4, i still cant comprehend it and i doubt i scratched the surface of what it was trying to say to me. if this was yelp id give it 5 stars
REPORTi was getting ready to take a gram or two of cubensis when i mentioned to a friend if he would like to join me, that's when my plan changed from mushrooms to NN-DMT
this is something ive wanted to do for many years and have been waiting for the time i felt ready . the past few months ive been ready to do it but it was waiting for a day. when the subject came up i felt the excitement take over my body and i knew it was time.
when i first took it and fell back i felt like i was ready then it started to come over me and i felt like shit no im not ready im not ready oh shit then bang full power and i just went no im not ooooooohhhhhhh myyyyyyy im definitely ready for this lets do this!!!
OK, i don't think this will make sense to anybody, but it makes sense to me, this was the night and the morning after taking my first NN-DMT dose i wrote it down as quick as i could before it disappeared, but a lot of it i still remember like i know it well ..... so here it goes....
there's nothing to compare it to mate, i hit it through the bong held it in fell back and i disintegrated into the universe for 14 minutes, there was some amazing music and the sounds of clockwork hovering in the background and there was these squares split down the middle with a black line one side was while the other a mix of either blue yellow or pink then it started getting soo hot and i mean a heat so hot i have never felt a sensation like it but it wasn't bad it didn't matter as it got hotter and hotter and hotter the almost like a room i was in all the tiles turned from multi colors to just red and white and got more and more intense, but the music was so magnificent and there was a voice but it wasn't making a sound but i could hear it
that was on a .50 mg dose a light dose i didn't break through to the other world of creatures and spirits but i went somewhere that's not anywhere a human will ever go as it got hotter and hotter it was like a scream in the back of my mind and my entire body was a ball of fire and i could feel like i was covered in tiny hot needles from head to toe but my body wasn't a body i was just a surface taking pressure heat and the environment around me
and it didn't matter nothing mattered the experience was so overwhelming it was like i rag dolled into the situation and it was just tossing me about it was beautiful
like a noise of a jet engine when it kicks off gets higher and higher pitch to levels ive never even heard and its like a supercharged boost through the cosmos going whooooooooo wurling noise of a jet
fucking epic
my eyes were closed it was like it got supper hot and id take a super deep breath and it would relax the trip and mellow to a numbness of euphoria and everything would slow right down speech, words the music i was hearing would become super calm the whispers of kindness and the vibes from the voice was so beautiful and felt like it was setting me free then my body would be drawn to the left my eyes would start drawing closed and id spiral back into the room of these walls and spinning cubes n disks covered in them squares
haha fuckyeah he gets it
all this audio was coming from the other universe, the room i was in was totally silent
i was gone mate in the awe of it i knew where i was but i couldn't move or talk from the power and energy, i could feel sensations all over my body of hot and cold like running water changing temperature super quick, i knew he was there and i knew where i was i could open my eyes but my room was fucking insane everything had grooves of geometric lines connecting the edges of everything in my room and the Christmas lights were shooting streaks of light like a box around my room
after a few minutes i could start talking about it and the audio was beautiful echoes and distortions in tone and vibration, it would float off and combine with the music
its so hard to put into words
and a few days after i tried to comprehend it into a sentence and this is all i could think of to say......
i lay back and it was like i transcended from my body and my conscious body separated its self from the physical body and reality wasn't a concept that could make scene because it was all real whether it was just all in my head or happening in front of me it was real at least it was to me.
just because you wouldn't be able to tell i was dissipated from the universe we persevere as our only reality. but in my eyes, in my mind my soul my entire being, i was well and truly dissolved from there perspective of the situation and i was there, i was in this place, this strange and fearful yet caring and profound place, i was there, i was there.
i also made some art work after i came to a level i could focus and wasn't bouncing from wall to wall
Before it started getting hot!
When the heat started taking over all the squares changed rapidly one by one to red
A close up of what it all looked like
When i opened my eyes and looked at the glow in the dark stars on my ceiling as i fell back they had this shape around them all and they jittered from left to right super fast as they jittered the ceiling split into 3 layers the white of the ceiling was on top the stars were hovering off the root and the shapes around the stars it was like a layer of water like glass floating just in front of the stars across the ceiling and them shapes were cut into the liquid like glass layer.
any other info i can remember off hand...
i have a picture on my wall of flat iron building when i looked it was like big brown streaks of paint where the image is not hung properly and sits like a flag abit
The Christmas lights were raining streaks of light down the walls and over the ceiling.
i also made an audio recording of what music i remember i heard, ill add it in when i can figure out a decent way to upload it
as i went through the trip i was talking to my friend, it felt amazing to talk about it as my voice floated off to merge with the music in the distance and the audio distortions were beautiful
will get a report from my friends perspective to add to this when i am able.
love you, and im glad i can share this with you all. its like nothing i have experienced before and it was so profound i don't think ill ever comprehend its power
thats my nutshell in a nutshell hope you all enjoy !