"Hiya y'all! Very happy
After attempting my first extraction with a friend some months ago to no avail and finding out we had ordered some bunk Mimosa Mad I'm here to tell you - after quite a few headaches - we found a reputable vendor and have received our shipment of what I hope to be quality Mimosa!
My friend and I will continue to log our experience and promptly share with you fine people.
Peace!" -8/7/2014
Hey all!
Just bringing a much overdue update. A couple months ago my friend and I attempted our first Mimosa Extract which was a success. Using
Cyb's TEK we ended up with about 1.0g-1.5g of spice. I then dissolved it in some alcohol and made a 1/2 ratio of changa! Sadly we did not have the resources to make quality changa so we used a mixture of the best kitchen herbs. My friend and I smoked this changa soon after for each of our first times.
At first I was anxious, nervous, and even a tad scared. I had no idea what was about to happen or what I would be confronted with. So I told myself I would form some familiar ground first. I only took one hit, and upon exhale instantly felt a total loss of motor skills. The changa tasted like S**t and was very harsh. Anyways, it shocked me how quick the onset is. I had read so many stories of the same instance from others so many times and yet still didn't expect it to be as quick as it was. Laying back I looked up at the ceiling expecting to see all kinds of shapes or some sort of kaleidoscope. However, after a few minutes of staring at the ceiling in dissatisfaction I sat up and grabbed the pipe. This time taking two hits. This time the loss of motor skills was much more intense my friend had to help me put the pipe down. Again I laid back and starred at the ceiling. A rush of euphoria came over my body. I remember looking at my buddy with a huge cheesy grin on my face (
). The swirl patterns in the ceiling fan began to sway and dance. The pictures and medals hung on my friends wall became disfigured appearing to "melt" down the wall. I remember thinking to myself that this IS psychedelic. I was able to form my own interpretation of the word and what it is like to hallucinate. But the best part was when I noticed the light rays peering through the half opened blinds of the window. It was almost as if they became 4D... If there is such a thing. I felt myself move through the rays almost like I was a particle of light. This was the peek and I rapidly came to after about 5 minutes. After coming down I remember looking back at my friend with the same cheesy grin and saying, "It worked!"
This is a description of MY first time. I now realize what I saw were simply low dose visuals/hallucinations. and that there is MUCH more to the DMT experience. I have used the same changa twice since then. Taking more and more hits each time and I now wish that I had made stronger changa because I have only experienced these low dose visuals and have yet to break through. Sadly life happened and I had not done any extractions until recent.
The very last pic is from my latest extract!
Will bring an update once finished!
Neo-Shaman attached the following image(s):
(332kb) downloaded 96 time(s). WP_20140807_02_41_02_Pro.jpg
(286kb) downloaded 98 time(s). WP_20140807_03_57_28_Pro.jpg
(270kb) downloaded 96 time(s). WP_20140807_15_30_35_Pro.jpg
(490kb) downloaded 97 time(s). WP_20140807_15_49_04_Pro.jpg
(299kb) downloaded 98 time(s). WP_20140807_16_17_41_Pro.jpg
(381kb) downloaded 96 time(s). WP_20141021_19_18_52_Pro.jpg
(209kb) downloaded 98 time(s).“Nature loves courage. You make the commitment and nature will respond to that commitment by removing impossible obstacles. Dream the impossible dream and the world will not grind you under, it will lift you up. This is the trick. This is what all these teachers and philosophers who really counted, who really touched the alchemical gold, this is what they understood. This is the shamanic dance in the waterfall. This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.”