This one is my about me. So I used to be on here about 2 years ago and I was a studious member for a year. I've always enjoyed the atmosphere of the Nexus, kudos to those who worked hard to construct and provide such an alluring forum.
The reputation that the Nexus holds itself to is one of respect and reverence. It's why I enjoy reading through the threads so much. The banter is witty, the information well covered, the members holding reputations of proficiency in their fields (Benzyme, I love reading your posts, even if I don't understand a great bit of it. Gives me new things to look forward to learning).
I'm a collegiate in pursuit of expanding my consciousness and bending my mind into what I hope will be productive for the world. My primal drive is to fix things, internally and externally. I love experience as much as I love passion for the trade.
Its been a year, but its good to be back.