After couple of months of experimenting with lower doses of dmt (range from 10-25mg).
I found out that they can be sometimes very frustrating and fear inducing.
All this time a was dealing with a lot of irrational fear that was related with full blown dmt experiences. This i see as aftermath of my last mushroom trip and lots of read experiences that had me in a paralyzing anxiety and fear as soon as i would load my vaporizer and bring it close to my mouth.
Two days ago i had finally mustered enough courage and in a split second decided i loaded 40mg in my little homemade vaporizer.
I took a leap of faith.
I cleared all of it.
My life ended with unimaginable utterly orgasmic explosion in the center of my head.
Everything transpired in one single moment.
As i died, Universe died with me and in this moment of death life was born. It was me and Universe.
I was welcomed with love and smiles. Countless hands reaching out to me...welcoming me back, excepting me.
Everything is excepted in this eternal Love.
I am so happy!!!
˝What you are is this deep deep thing...and you love to play.˝ - ?