I would like to believe that some of you will relate to the lack of desire to paint a picture of yourself... to define, or to draw attention to.
When I was much younger I had this concept that I didn't belong in this world, or that I had chosen to come here to fulfill some purpose. I wasn't clear where I came from, what I was or what I was supposed to do here.
Being human was very frustrating and strange.
I kept on trying to remember, but the whispers of Truth are subtle and easily lost in the barrage of sensations and demands of physical existence.
I have a few fond memories of childhood, mostly of the relationship with realities within me while being on my own, or in stillness.
My teenage years and young adulthood were not pleasant at all. Being very sensitive I was also incredibly naive, and not 'awoken' enough yet to always listen to the still voice within.
So I found myself mixed up with some very dark 'clever' people who introduced me to psychedelics, telepathy, collective consciousness... My human ego danced with theirs for a long time, confused, hopeful, aching, ever more and more twisted...
Nothing in itself is good or bad... all has it's place and purpose, but it is the intention one brings that will color the relationship of one's being.
I do not wish to go into detail regarding the psychological trauma I experienced for many many years as I had to face the darkness in this world and within myself... save to say that I am amazed that I am still here, that I survived, and more...
Passing through hell, and the death of everything that mattered to me or that I thought I was... I find I am nothingness... before and after all things manifest or dissolve, I Am.
I have no definition. Any definition is but a relative perspective - to be dissolved by an alternate or higher perspective, which themselves are just as illusory and transient.
I am not this body. It exists as a dense thought form within infinite space. An anchor.
I am not this mind. It exists but as a tuning fork and focal point of relative perception.
... I do not think, I Am consciousness itself - all thought is formed within me, yet the structure and chemistry of this human mind filters the information so that only a very small fraction of limited information can be tuned into, and further, the 'virtual self' - the dynamic magnetic field of the ego determines which thoughts are gravitated to and personalized.
So, here I Am - participating in a story, sometimes absorbed by opinions and the ego, but often just watching silently as the ego carries out it's programming.
I am on a personal journey - the quest: to dissolve the unconscious ego entirely.
I enjoy my own company... not being fond of large gatherings, small talk, or engaging in most human social customs.
To survive financially I create colorful expressions and products reminiscent of the beautiful subtle worlds and creatures I find within myself. These I supply to shops and sell at trade festivals.
I also make Ice Cream. Really really good Ice Cream.
After having a good night's sleep, I realized that there is a lot of waffle in my intro, and very little actually pertaining to why I decided to join this online community, so here goes:
So in my younger years I experimented with numerous substances, taking LSD a few times, but my most frequent and profound experiences were with Magic Mushrooms (Large doses... I once took 10grams, an experience I will not be repeating!)
During this time I realized how damaged I was as a human and decided to steer clear of psychoactives (and other drugs / stimulants) until I had processed and come to terms with everything that had been revealed to me in those experiences.
It has taken me many many years to put enough pieces of the puzzle together to understand everything that happened to me and what this world really is and how I may exist here productively, honestly, and in relative comfort.
I am fast reaching a point where I will be able to live true to myself.
- In 3 and a half months I will either be closing my shop, or handing it over to someone else so that I may move outside of conventional society and live in a little cabin in the woods.
There I will spend my time communing with Nature, soul searching, and creating my art in any way I choose.
The place is secluded, nestled within lush vegetation in an undisturbed forest. While a few kilometers outside of civilization, There are farms and dairies nearby as well as a convenience store with the basics... nearest town is 30min away, while major city is about an hour in the opposite direction.
Up until about a week ago I had no intention to revisit psychedelics, as I had managed to process enough within myself to have healed a great deal of my issues and to become sensitive to other 'states of reality', and to communicate (though rarely) with beings I call my kindred, who are not incarnate here on Earth.
I was at peace and filled with enthusiasm for being alive in this rather strange place and form.
But my kindred, as always, knew more than I and decided that I now needed to build a relationship with 'The Spirit Molecule', and so they brought it to my awareness.
At present I am simply absorbing information.
The picture that is being hinted at by my kindred is of me living in this place, growing various teacher plants and with the guidance of my kindred, developing a number of meditation practices / techniques involving these plants that will amplify my awareness and connection to my kindred and also to all life in this world and the greater multiverse.
The work I create (co-create) with this developing awareness will be imprinted with sacred information and will affect those that come into contact with it... allowing my kindred to subtly work with other human beings that need assistance, that may not be able to tune in due to the extensive frequency control still very present on this planet.
Of course, I will share anything important that could be of help here, and I appreciate the existence of these forums and am grateful for all of you.
Peace, Love and Light.