It's NOT DMT Oxide? That differs from all the other threads I've read here on the Nexus as to the Oxide being the 'Goo'.
I've also experienced powdered and very dry but not sticky in any way, a substance that fits the description in Experience-Wise, of NMT and not DMT. When Vaped it came on very slow and the colors/patterns were not crisp and clearly defined as with DMT. It was also lacking in any 'Entity' contact UNLESS a copius amount was Vaped and even then it did not compare with DMT.
The Source I obtained it from had already done many extractions on Mimosa and was tapping over and over from the same batch and that is how [[ what I assume to be ]] this 'NMT' was obtained. His FIRST tapping resulted in GREAT DMT. Very Pure with a hint of oils. He did manage to get some dried up enough to put in a baggy but even still it sticks [[ some ]] to the bag. The last tappings differed in that it looked as if it could be DMT, was VERY white and crystalline, but after Vaping, it clearly was different.It wasn't oily in any way whereas the 'Goo' I have Tried is VERY..well, like it's name implies, Oily.
I've gotten MUCH of the 'Goo' in the past and it differs from both NMT and DMT. The effects of the 'Goo' are mostly Euphoric and with quite a heavy Body-Load. Sometimes with much Anxiety, as if One is being 'Consumed' or sinking in a warm bath or even, DYING. When that happened, I could get through it by Praying, getting up and walking around, reassuring Myself I'm okay and distracting Myself with Music or getting something to drink..Doing Whatever, until it wears off,lol!
From My past research of Others Experiences and therefore by my own experiences with this 'Goo', I concluded the 'Goo' must be the Oxide of DMT.
So, anyways, My 'source' had done more Extractions and pulls of his already-been-tapped bark and obtained a white crystalline substance that I think MUST have been NMT and almost totally void of DMT. NMT has a slow onset whereas DMT hits like a ton of bricks. In MY experience anyways.
So it is interesting to have someone say that NMT is oily and also is what keeps the DMT from crystallising dry, because I'm almost SURE of it that I've had NMT in a dry [[ as can be, it stuck to the baggy a little but could easily be scrapped off ]] powdery form.
I do get crystals all the time, using [[ Hot ]] Heptane to pull with but I have to clean them up a few times [[ Again with Heptane ]] and even then it STILL has a small amount of 'sticky' to it. I find it very difficult to avoid this, no matter what solvent I use. Heptane has been the best so far in My Experience. [[ I've only been tapping ACRB so I have no experience with other sources yet ]]
This is why I thought of this Defatting step, I have seen it before in Poppy-Pod Tea Extractions so I think it MUST work for ACRB too.
You are correct in that I'm thinking of defatting the acidified extract BEFORE basing, as raising the Ph before adding the wax would most likely end up with product being absorbed,lost and most likely irretrievable. Stuck in the wax. THAT would be disastrous,lol!
I'm going to try this 'Defatting' technique with the Parrafin-Wax and I'll report back as to how the final result comes out. I think it will come out much cleaner but we shall see.
Thanks for your Input, I appreciate it very much, as I am new here as a MEMBER but I'm a years long reader.
Peace and many Blessings
Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,