Hello everyone, it's my first post here on DMT-Nexus
My story with psychedelics began when I was 18, and my first really psychedelic experience was on MG seeds. Although it was a terrible bad trip I’ve always had a great sentiment to this substance since then. Now almost 10 years have passed with plenty better trips on various psychedelics behind but it’s getting more and more difficult to get mushrooms or acid in the city I live in. And that’s where the idea of returning to LSA came from – it’s still legal and easy to buy in my country. Unfortunately the HBWRs were delegalised few years ago…
In t his thread I'd like to present and discuss my TEK to extract LSA from the MG seeds. It's still in theory as I haven't performed it yet, but I plan to do this soon. I already have the necessary solvents and hardware.
The inspiration for it was KASH’s Advanced LSA Extraction and a honey oil butane hash extraction method. And a great urge to get rid of the bad taste and nausea that MG and HBWR always gave me.
We will need:
1. MG seeds (eg. 12g)
2. A lighter gas refill can (eg. RONSON) – 1 can
3. Acetone (99,9 pure) – at least 150ml
4. Distilled water, pre-boiled, cold – around 50ml
5. Coffee grinder
6. Extraction pipe with a stand
7. Bicycle pump
8. Shallow glass container (for evaporating)
9. A small glass container for the final product
So, the TEK would look something like this (for example a 12g dose):
1. Pulverize the seeds in a coffee grinder
2. Put the powder into a 1/2" extraction pipe (a picture below below)
3. Prepare a shallow glass container, put the butane can to the upper side of the pipe and let the gas flush through the pipe and drop into the glass container. It will evaporate almost immediately leaving the fatty, unwanted stuff on the glass container. You don't need to use the whole can, maybe some 50ml or so?
4. Pour the powder out, let the rest of butane evaporate so that there is no smell of it at all
5. Seal the pipe with a cap and an o-ring seal at its bottom, pour the powder again into the pipe
6. Add 50ml of acetone (99,9% pure), seal the top of it
7. Shake well, put into the fridge for some 2-3 hours, repeat shaking every 15-20 minutes.
8. Change the fittings – the filter at the bottom, the valve at the top – filter the solution into a glass container, cover it with foil to prevent early evaporation, change the fittings again (forced filtration described below)
9. Repeat steps 6-8 at least two times. You will end up with at least 150 ml acetone solution
10. Let the solution evaporate to dryness (no acetone smell)
11. Quickly add some 50ml (maybe even less) of distilled, pre-boiled, cold water and shake well to dissolve all the residues into a clear solution
12. You can add few drops of peppermint oil if You ‘re into LSH conversion and wait some 20 minutes before consumption
As I presume, this won’t be too pure extract but I hope it to be nausea-free. The main advantage of it should be its quantity (about 50ml water solution for one shot). This is for those who really don’t like the taste of MG seeds. Another advantage for me is that almost only one container (the extraction pipe) is used through the whole process.
If this TEK prove successful I will be thinking of developing it a bit. That is additional A/B phase or making condensed alcohol tincture for storing the extract for a longer period of time.
And here’s the picture of my hardware presented in different phases of the TEK, additionally I have a stand for it, not to need to hold it all the time – especially in the butane phase when the pipe literally freezes and the forced filtration phase.
I came up with the idea of forced filtration to speed up the process. The device I made is fairly simple. At the top of the pipe I have a cap with an air valve installed on it (sealed with fluid rubber/fluid wire insulation) – a typical valve taken from a bike tube. I screw the cap onto the pipe, attach a bicycle pump to the valve and pump it slowly. The pressure forces the solution to go through the filter much faster than normally.
The questions:
1. Is it wise to perform the defatting stage (butane) before any other (the acetone solution in this instance) ? Wouldn’t it waste some of the wanted alkaloids?
2. Is a forced filtration a wise thing? It will speed up the filtration for sure. But the question is if it wouldn’t reduce the quality of filtration.
Feel free to comment, share Your thoughts, correct any of my assumptions and to try this TEK. As I wrote in the beginning – it’s still in theory. As soon as I try it myself, I’ll share my observations with You too.