Regarding the necessity of a "dieta", I' ve posted my thoughts
here . Feel free to do as you want, of course, but I'd suggest you find your own path, instead of just following some arbitrary rules. And by that I dont mean that you necessarily shouldnt do the dieta, but maybe at least experiment without it, or with different kinds of dietas, and see what works better for you.
Im no doctor or nutritional expert so take my comments with a pinch of salt ( lol), but I think fruits, veggies, rice and chicken should have enough nutrients that you wouldnt have any strong deficiency, specially not in short term like that.
I never felt such extreme weakness and so on after ayahuasca, with or without some kind of diet. Did you sleep well? Did you eat something that day before basketball practice?
I have no answers to your case, except that I' d try experimenting with different things (including maybe at some point repeating such dieta and exercising again to see if it was a coincidence or if it repeats) and see if you find anything out.
Do let us know if you have any further insights on this!
Good luck!