Hello. I'm a middle aged St. Bernard with a decent amount of entheogenic experience. I'm relatively new to DMT, it's been about a year since my maiden voyage. My sessions have been mostly based around listening to electronic music like Bee Mask, Forma, and Bitchin Bajas. I've been using a Vapor Brothers box vaporizer, (the spotter inverts the box and lowers it onto the whip held upright to keep the spice from falling out). We haven't been using MAO inhibitors, not sure which would work best with our method.
As awesome as this is, it seems like a rather decadent way to listen to music and to use the spice, so lately, we've been doing it without music, to access the "botanical acoustics" for lack of a better term, (consensus seems to be slithery).
The whole "music/notmusic" discussion is how I found this place. And it makes me wonder if i've ever really broken through at all. My friends and I were certain that we had, we do always go to an astonishing place, but i've seen accounts here that if you really break through, you won't even notice the music. With this in mind, I include a report of a recent journey without musical accompaniment.
As usual, it starts with an orange grid of axes sliding across an undulating line. fractals in motion, (are fractals inherently motile?). I hear soothing slithering sounds (non-diagetic). sounds in the room (diagetic) have a skittering after-effect. There do seem to be entities, i first noticed them kind of above my head and making this circular motion around it with their hands. There was a sense of being pulled by my arm to the right and then to the left.
everywhere were strange little noises whistling pops zooms splats, and shapeless shapes folding and unfolding in relation to the sounds. hard to tell if the shapes were making the noise or if the noises were making the shapes.
i seem to recall that as i came back, it would be because I breathed or i felt a part of my body again, and my awareness of that pulled me back in, but then the show would resume and i would slowly forget about that section of my body until i took another breath or felt another part of my body. this had a pendulum effect that would lose a little energy with each swing, no less sweet but you do eventually come to a halt and you feel like moving your body.
End of report
With that, I welcome any input or comments about my method or accounts. As wonderful and enlightening as these experiences have been so far, I feel like a have farther to go.
Thank You!