Yeah thats a good point. I dont have any flat glass dishes though and besides, I like to form big chunky crystals that are easier to scrape off. I dont freeze precip the first pulls, I do that AFTER when I use a solvent mix. Freeze precip isn't needed with heptane BUT it can be done with the solvent after draining it away once it has cleared and all the crystals have finished forming. Then after it's strained, the heptane goes in the freezer and the other goods come out as free floaters and some settle on the bottom but not much.
I have found with the first 'harvest', after draining, When they are first 'hung to dry' while sticking to glass jar, they are choice pickings when the heptane is all off and they're dry. I find a small mason jar is just fine. The stainless steel screen is for the pulls AFTER the first 3 combined pulls, when the crystals are of a different form, like floaters or settlers, they usually are not the nice chunky ones gotten from the first 'harvest'.
After pulling with Heptane for mostly DMT [[ Heptane ,hot, pulls almost exclusively DMT I find ]] I go back and start over with a heptane/naptha mix to pull the rest and THOSE crystals remain 'free floating' for the most part and dont stick to the glass much or they settle. Plus, heptane evaps clean, naptha I find takes too long therefore the potential for melting the goods is higher, even if putting in the refrigerator after straining so the screen allows for complete drainage at a faster rate than evaporating.
So, a stainless steel screen DOES have it's merit, IMHO, because once pouring through the mesh you can put the screen itself in the refrigerator to finish draining/evaporating and then it's so easy to scrape off the screen instead of a coffee filter.
So, like I said, I dont use the screen for the initial pull results, like I have shared here in this photo. I easily scrape these big chunky beauties out no problem, even though it's a jar and I have no loss to yield.
The Pulls after, THATS when the screen is needed and in my experience using a flat dish for the floaters wasn't even necessary when I just dry on the Steel screen as is.
locojuiceman attached the following image(s):
(728kb) downloaded 61 time(s).Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,