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Posts: 3135 Joined: 27-Mar-2012 Last visit: 10-Apr-2023
Cannabis has always been pretty hardcore for me, except when I finally created a tolerance in my first year of smoking it. Once a tolerance was built up I was like every other pot head. Its those times when I first started smoking it and after I had quit that were quite a bit different. After DMT it has become more psychedelic, but not nearly as much of a change as I had thought. Last night I decided to visit some deeper depths of cannabis that had been forgotten, in the past, not experienced for a long time. I have been wanting to visit that deep dark hole that I remember when I was much younger, but pre-dose anxiety for a strong dose of THC has postponed this experience. Until now. Now I didn't go as far as I had really wanted to, due to a little anxiety, but this experience was enlightening to say the least. I have been trying to refine some things in my head as well as throw out some trash programmed crap up there, and I know THC can be an ally with bringing things to the surface in a strange way that only THC can do.
I filled the bathtub with hot water, a dim light flooded the room with a relaxing tone. A short table placed next to the tub had my bubbler and some pretty good pot sitting on top. I acclimated to the hot water and while phutureprimitive filled the air with awesome sound waves I took 3 decent sized hits back to back. By the time I was holding in the 3rd hit I was very stoned. It didnt take more than 30 seconds after blowing that out that I reached the beginning of trip mode. I could feel tension in my body, anxiety. I dealt with it and navigated this space for a good hour laying in the tub. CEV's were present, on par with an 8mg DMT dose. More solidified graphics compared to the organice liquidy/energy style that DMT brings. These seemed to have more of a solid material appearance. My mind was having a hard time staying on one topic, and I would go off on a trippy mental tangent when I did. I kept forgetting the plan but important things were being brought up and I was thankful of that. The mindload (like a body load) was intense to say the least. It was overwhelming. I noticed my hands were shaky as if I had downed a pot of coffee. It was when my cat came in to see what I was doing when the typical THC fry came into play. I looked at him and realized a crazy strong connection between us. We literally became friends in the last two years (long story). He looked at me and commented. I felt closer to him in that moment, realizing we were companions. I understood him in ways that I neglected before. All of a sudden I felt bad for the times I treated him like just a pet. I decided to get out of the bathtub and go sit. The next couple hours I reflected on my life, my actions, how I treat myself and others. I literally felt like I was tripping on 1g of mushrooms but with a different sensation. I ate ice cream, bonded with my cat, laid in bed and meditated. I came up with ingenious ideas that were forgotten as fast as they were realized. I sat there in awe of this crazy machine we call life, and these cyborg bodies we maneuver through it with. I recieved some answers that I had been looking for and I am going to try and apply them. Although the memory of them feels faint, as if they could just blow away in the wind if I fail to keep my focus on them. Approx 3.5 hours of straight tripping on THC, passing out before I had even started coming down. 1 of the "ingenious" ideas I managed to remember was this feeling that when we isolate ourselves to have "alone time" to meditate or whatever we actually disconnect from the collective consciousness to experience being alone. When I realized this I had this super strong feeling of being alone, by myself, with no connection to the rest of the world. Like I had temporarily become my own entity separate from the rest. This felt like a good thing but also brought with it a strong sense of loneliness. It also seemed like this was a necessary function of our consciousness in order to perform certain tasks that require disconnection from our bodies (astral travel, dreams, DMT ect.). Cool idea anyway. Open your Mind ( โถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide ( โถ) Fear is the mind killer "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4612 Joined: 17-Jan-2009 Last visit: 07-Mar-2024
Dude, brother, most excellent report of your deep cannabis ventures. Alot of what you said highlights much of my experience/s with deep cannabis experiences. Taking even a few weeks off then smoking a few drags can propel you into VERY intense territory in terms of mind; something that stands very unique with cannabis, versus other states such as DMT, mushrooms, etc. Sure, the other classic entheogens can propel you in unique states, but theres something about cannabis, especially with thoughts and the perception of time - that is most powerful. Thank you for sharing. 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 314 Joined: 11-Jan-2013 Last visit: 15-Jun-2021
Nice report, anrchy. Good to know I'm not the only one who likes getting stoned in the bathtub.  Another thing I used to do is smoke a joint, then take a shower in complete darkness. Depriving yourself of the sense of vision really enhances everything else: the hot water on your skin is like a constant orgasm, and the visuals are incredible. I do have to say that I'm on the tail-end of my relationship with Cannabis, because some of the reasons you described, ie. coming up with "ingenious ideas that were forgotten as fast as they were realized," feeling a deep sense of connection with people, plants, animals, etc., that disappears seemingly as soon as it comes, and, most importantly, the fact that a Cannabis comedown for me has become extremely chaotic: I go from being relaxed and at peace, having a feeling of interconnectivity with all things around me, and then after an hour, I'm just a nervous wreck, I can barely keep my eyes open, I despise everyone and everything, and I just want to lay down and die. It sounds a little dramatic, but I have learned to separate my consciousness from thoughts, so the whole time I'm having these negative thoughts, I remind myself that they're a result of the drug I've ingested, not that they're universally true. To be fair, I've been diagnosed with so many psychiatric illnesses, I've lost count, so it would be fair to say that my brain chemistry is not the same as a "sane" person's. Frequency of use also comes into effect, but I've had similar Cannabis experiences after weeks of abstinence: I don't smoke for a while, look forward to the experience, then again, it's nothing but an hour or two of positivity followed by a violent comedown. I've come to the conclusion that being able to attain a state of peace and tranquility without the habitual use of an external substance is infinitely more rewarding and a better long term solution. Akasha224 is a fictitious extension of my ego; all his posts do not reflect reality & are fictional
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 506 Joined: 26-Apr-2014 Last visit: 04-Aug-2023 Location: Life
I love MJ too... Good report anrchy! Ima fire one up right now cause of your report We can start to read animals a lot better from what i've been hearing and experiencing personally. Maybe its mental/spiritual evolution? Im going through this as well as i can read my pets too lol. Awesome report tho bro! Wut "kind" was that sweet leaf? lol Namaste, ---dls---
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3135 Joined: 27-Mar-2012 Last visit: 10-Apr-2023
Akasha: those "side effects" seem more likely to me to be parts of you coming out that can teach you about yourself. Rather than chalking it up to bad effects relative to getting stoned you can "use" marijuana to learn what these things are and deal with them. Just the same way in which we use psychedelics Dark: thanks, it was a grab bag mix of 3 or 4 different unknown strains. Open your Mind ( โถ) Please read my DMT vaping guide ( โถ) Fear is the mind killer "Energy flows where attention goes" [Please review the forum Wiki and FAQ before posting questions]
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 1903 Joined: 15-Mar-2014 Last visit: 25-Jan-2024
Nice report anrchy! Cannabis can be profoundly characterized in its own psychedelic nature. I feel these bioassays are important to help all those curious about the elusive, profound effects..beyond stoned, and your experience makes it so. I can relate to one trip within the nature my cannabis - very high dose experiences. It was around 6:00pm and the day was finishing from a music festival in town, I had actually played earlier but I came back to see the last bands. So, during my walking and coming upon the music area I sat on a large, memorial rock and continued to eat a whole brownie..probably about 10cm in length 15cm in width, most definitely a dark indica variety. Upon finishing the lovely brownie I started to feel a rush of sensations within 45 min, effects I'd usually get when I'm midly high but different. I noticed a few of my friends leaving off for a 2 hour drive eastwards, so I decieded to come along for the ride..internally I knew this was going to be quite the journey to lands and dimensions..and oh it was. We were just leaving town and I was in the the backseat already stoned, earlier we dropped an activist off at his place, then we were on our way to pick up this girl I know pretty well and bring her back into town. We were a few miles out of town and I was in my own realm, there was hardly anything outside of me that I could focus or simply be aware of, it was only this psychological downpour of possibilities and abstract ideas. I could see visually little strands and pieces fitting here and there, but nothing in my face so to speak. It wasn't until I noticed that and then I was well aware of the acutal visual phenomena taking place. People looked like cartoons which had a languge(English) that sounded so alien and obscure, my thought process wasn't fast enough to give a response, only this complete facination, appreciation and awe for what was actually happening outside of the car. It felt like forever, we were only an hour out and going 80mph, time was a completely other world. My friends would start asking me questions and I could hardly speak, my voice sounded like a foreign, intergalactic chimp. Sooner or later we came into my friends area and picked her up to drive back. They all knew I was far, far away, and so did I, it was too difficult to manage any coherent thought, I was slowly merging with so much heightend awareness that it was difficult to keep my eyes closed or open. The visuals were amazing! Giant blue, florecent colors, patterns, shapes etc. Very cartoony and pulsating. This is when my visual acuity started to clip scenery, especially faces of others talking. Everything looked incredibly detailed. It was as if their bodies were melting and reshaping, it was too hard to determine what exactly was happening, but I managed to stay somewhat alert. It was about 4 hours now and we were just coming back into town. I was nowhere near baseline to walk long distances, so I rested at my friends place until I reached soberness. Although there was phenomea experienced during the trip that is still mysterious to this day, it was a very centered experience and gave me the greatest rest and healing during the next day following. I feel the beneficial effects of doing this are represented afterwards and the real show is there as an opportunity for improvement. A nice wave of calmness surrounded me and my being. The same could be said for smoking and/or vaping, however compounds convert differently through means of digestion, resulting in very powerful experiences. Cannabis can do this! And enhances the effects of many other psychedelics alike. 'What's going to happen?' 'Something wonderful.'
Skip the manual, now, where's the master switch?
We are interstellar stardust, the re-dox co-factors of existence. Serve the sacred laws of the universe before your time comes to an end. Oh yes, you shall be rewarded.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 290 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 13-Feb-2016
I think that the most people would be very suprised and pleased about the effects if they just used cannabis on one weekend a month . Good cannabis is hallucinogenic in big enough doses . My favorit thing is lieing on my back in total darkness with earplugs in ........ after eating a large dose of the best hash i can get on an empty stomach ......... YEH !!!!!! Be carefull a cannabis overdose can be worse than an LSD ovedose because it is not just mental it can also be very physical . Bubble hash is often not good to eat because of the extra fat and wax in it if its badly made . If you want to know what real hash used to do you could look at this and do some research about it / them . https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Club_des_Hashischins Their descriptions of the effects of cannabis are vey good , detailed and inteesting . Eyeopening . I am autism spectum ........ please dont burn me at the stake for being honest .
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 2151 Joined: 23-Nov-2012 Last visit: 07-Mar-2017
When I was younger, I recall cannabis being insanely visual. Everything would organize itself into faces and patterns that seemed to move, flex and change in a way that is very psychedelic. Some of my happiest moments are of looking at my ceiling and watching rainbow shapes and fantasies go sailing across. The problem is, when I get that high, I feel very dissociated and somewhat 'see through' for the next few days, and in my line of work, that's not really something I can afford. It also had the potential to turn very, very wrong. Some of the most unpleasant drug experiences of my life have been times that cannabis paranoia got out of control. Blessings ~ND "There are many paths up the same mountain."

Posts: 5257 Joined: 29-Jul-2009 Last visit: 24-Aug-2024 Location: 🌊
I consider cannabis a powerful but underutilized psychedelic. My first trip to what I can only call hyperspace occurred after falling asleep during an already life shattering experience with it, the first time I got very high. Everyone can be so different in their reaction to and relationship it though, it's really interesting. I've noticed that to overcome any anxiety that might rush up, it's best if I just smoke low amounts over the course of an hour, and then once I'm comfortably stoned I can raise the intake up. Finding some outlet for the energy helps a lot to for me.
<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
 Hail the keys!
Posts: 553 Joined: 30-Aug-2014 Last visit: 07-Nov-2022
It's funny how just having DMT experiences alter MJ trips. This began happening to me with LSD. After LSD use, my cannabis ventures went so much deeper, and after DMT, I was able to access more ancient gestalt fields, if that makes sense. Thanks for sharing anrchy; hopefully many more people can realize the full potential of MJ. And it's great that it's so widely available and safe to use, with many positive physical benefits!! "Think for yourself and question authority." - Leary
"To step out of ideology - it hurts. It's a painful experience. You must force yourself to do it." - ลฝiลพek
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 3968 Joined: 21-Jul-2012 Last visit: 15-Feb-2024
Apologies in advance, circle A, but your post put the ol mile wide smile on my face, and prior to reading the thread, i hereby post in the after glow of a similar, and oft-repeated experience. In the wake of the debate as to is it or isn't it. My god ,yes Virginia, pot is freaking psychedelic. Yes on OR91 Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon *ฮณฮฝแฟถฮธฮน ฯฮตฮฑฯ