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#181 Posted : 3/12/2013 2:19:43 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Freebase harmala 'dissolved' in water, placed in a candy spray bottle right now.

Looks good for discrete sublingual administration!

I can huff it, it seems. But most of the mist goes into the throat, this will need to be adapted to the lungs.

Will report back on how it behaves.

Future reference: entirely inert bottle and atomiser. We do not want any Bisphenol A in the lungs to say the least and then there is the matter of certain oils dissolving plastic. I'd like to nebulise essential oils at some point. Things like this make me wonder what's with the e-cig craze.

Why heat anything up if you can nebulise it and huff it nice and raw? I see incredible potential for this ROA.

Nebulised vitamin B12 anyone? How about LSD-25? Piracetam? Noopept? Niacin? All sorts of things. Of course with this ROA we need to take 200x the care we do with vaporizing. The same kind of purity and pathogen standards as intra-venous administration also apply here.

The potential... it's over 9000!

A question: on eBay there are portable ultrasonic nebulisers for just $30. Are they safe to use?
I'm foolhardy when it comes to exploring the inner sanctum so if I get confirmation then I'm diving in head first.

Already I notice that harmala administered via candy spray ROA hits FAST. Faster than vaporised harmalas, WOW! And more intense too for what little is used!

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#182 Posted : 3/12/2013 2:49:55 PM

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Also I'm still confused as to why we seem to have no results yet? Or did I miss them?

Amazon is selling ultrasonic "aromatherapy" Twisted Evil atomisers for very cheap.

Rio Ultrasonic Aromatherapy Atomiser Nebuliser diffuser

Oils not included - choose your perfect aroma - all essential oils are suitable
Safe for overnight use, silent running, rapid diffusion
Mood enhancing lights and variable vapour output
5 timer programmes allow you to create just the right level of aroma over time
Great for homes, offices, anywhere you need to create that special atmosphere!

Let's invent yet another ROA. We had ayahuasca.

Now we can do vaporhuasca. A constant vaped experience that can be switched off at the click of an 11 dimensional irridescent goblin coated button.

Hook up a straw to its outlet nozzle.

The frickin thing looks like hyperspace, we might as well make it take us to hyperspace!

Strap this thing to your back pack.

Safe for overnight use.
Twisted EvilTwisted EvilTwisted EvilTwisted EvilTwisted EvilTwisted Evil

#183 Posted : 3/13/2013 11:00:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey nexus!
Some good ideas embrace!

So latest news, the pg and peg400 are to viscous to work properly with this nebulizer, peg400 can be diluted in water as
Is dissolves in water, bet the. What happens to the dmt? Is it is not soluble in water will it just be suspended in the solution? Or will the dmt still be dissolved in the peg400 which is then dissolved in water?

I will try diluting it, soon, but I'm thinking my best option is, is performing a FASA,
If anybody can give real solubility numbers on dmt fumarate in water that would be great,
Ive read that it's upwards of 300mg/ml which would be huge, and if that's is to viscous I can always dilute that with just plain old water, As the solubility rate is so high the addition of more water is fine


Btw it's hard to find fumaric acid in Canada, is there any risk in ordering online, or is this a perfectly safe ingredient to order
#184 Posted : 3/14/2013 12:46:24 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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The PEG-400 will be fine dissolved in water I believe. There isn't any real reason for DMT to be pulled out of it as it's not soluble in water in the first place, and as a result potential gradient is in the direction of the PEG-400 so all free DMT should remain there, same principle as osmosis or heat flow.
#185 Posted : 3/14/2013 11:07:05 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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My thoughts are similar to yours embrace, thanks.

I have ordered some fumaric acid,from a site that sells herbs and spices which I've seen linked on nexus a few times.
Great prices and they ship to canada. It should be here within a week, 2 max.

I've confirmed my nebulizer works with at least something, by dissolving a small dose of meds in the form of HCL in water. I added more water than necessary so nebulization time was not optimal, but effects were felt, and quickly.

Anyways i'll be performing a fasa as soon as I get my fumaric acid.
Updates then
#186 Posted : 3/23/2013 12:23:26 AM

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hey nexus, fumaric acid arrived today, and i promptly performed a FASA, on 250mg of dmt.
the acetone in the reaction vessel was decanted off, and an amount of acetone equal to that of the acetone in the FASA solution used was added to the dmt.fumerate to pick up any traces of fumaric acid. this was decanted and will be disposed off, the acetone left in the product is evaping,

hopefully nebulizer test tomorrow after i make a diluted water solution!!

the girlfriend has guests over right now so its not a great time to test Razz
#187 Posted : 3/23/2013 12:27:54 AM

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I got a nebulizer. It seems to work but very mildly with freebase harmala. I'm going to get some acid to dissolve it in, it is very promising but I haven't had a chance yet really to sit down and huff for the 10 mins it asks for.

What's the most lung-safe harmala form? I only really have a choice of acetate or citrate. I was being a bit ballsy and put a few drops of lemon juice into the nebuliser cup along with the FB harmala dissolved in water. With FB harmala alone I couldn't really taste the goodies but it definitely put me on a mild buzz. My spit was harmaloid green which means it definitely came through despite FB harmala's non-solubility in water. But with a few drops lemon juice, some of it became harmala citrate which I could definitely taste!

The really cool thing is that it stirs the solution up for you, if it's an ultrasonic one.

It does work with e-cig juice as well. But to be honest I haven't had a chance to have a good sit down and really play with this.
#188 Posted : 3/23/2013 12:39:09 AM

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salt forms will be worse than freebase harmalas to vaporize, for sure... Salt forms will have higher boiling points and might be harsher on the lungs..
#189 Posted : 3/23/2013 12:47:33 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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hey embrace, good news, which nebulizer did you get? what i did was melt a hole in a 2 liter pop bottle to put my nebulizer in, so i turn the nebulizer on and let it fill the chamber with "fog" for a minute or whatever i feel is good, still experimenting, and when its full i take my hand off the end take in a lung full.
with dmt fumerate dissolved in water i hope to have a solution strong enough to be able to get a breakthrough hit quickly, yet thin enough to quickly pass through the nebulizer.

im intrigued about your nebulizer as mine would not nebulize e cig liquid. if yours has a nebulization rate high enough, you could use menthol and flavoured juices with dmt as i tried to do. would be a great combo IMO.

to endlessnes, maybe there is a way to lower the PH of the salts to a point where they will JUST keep their salt form before freebasing? to be easier on the lungs. im no expert, just a thought
this could also increase uptake rate through cell walls as the PH would be closer to human body?
#190 Posted : 3/23/2013 1:16:50 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the expedient responses guys.

I'm using a MY 520 ultrasonic nebulizer:

Pictured above is the nebuliser while running with the 'Rodent Spigot' attachment (the instructions are hilarious!). Cheap as chips and does the job perfectly! Here's a review from some dude on the web - http://groups.yahoo.com/...tralightdx/message/17031

Well, your nebulising technique is pretty refined closet-chemist, silly me just breathed it in and out. I'm guessing the 2l bottle cloud chamber is the way to go, especially judging by how amazing the Machine pipe does the job at vaporising goods. However I'd be worried about the mist condensing or droplet size increasing the longer it sticks around in any inhalation chamber.

FYI flavoured e-juice is pretty harsh as I found out; I dropped some coffee e-liquid and it is somewhat harsh on the throat - I guess that's how they engineer the 'throat hit' that vapers desire but it's totally unnecessary for us here. It might just be the effect of nicotine itself but I'm more apt to believe it's the other things (PG/VG, flavourings). Gives me an idea: make some potent tobacco tea and nebulise it! Now I've got it written here, I'll hopefully remember to try.

Nebulising can supposedly be used to detox tar from the lungs for people with COPD or emphysema or smokers in general; more here - http://www.earthclinic.c...tions.html#Question_4089
Scroll up and down the page, there is a lot of information.
They recommend using 50/50 DMSO/water solution nebulised and a few other things supplemented unnebulised like MSM to pull the tar out and into the bloodstream. Who knows how good this is but certainly a viable avenue for exploration.
A more in-depth explanation here (scroll to Ted from Bangkok) - http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1396507

There's no issue with salt or FB vaporisation temperatures here Endlessness. Nebulisers disperse these things in their 'raw' form straight to the lungs, no vaporisation occurs at all. Lung pH is a question that stands either way but I don't have a problem with giving my lungs a *MILD* battering as long as they can take it in the long run. Keeping in mind people inhale lemon essential oil for aromatherapy purposes (pH 2-3?), I think and hope inhaling harmala salts wouldn't be too damaging but my knowledge here is very limited. Either way, as long as it's less damaging than tobacco smoke, not too much of a biggie.
#191 Posted : 4/14/2013 3:39:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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hey guys, not a lot of time atm, but as more dmt is dissolved into the water, naturaly it gets more viscous, and dissolving large excess amounts is difficult, it seems that the dmt is not completely making it to my lungs, as i can inhale many lungfulls and recieve only mild visuals and euphoria, nowhere near breakthrough. in the near future i hope to do some tests and see how close i can get the dmt fumarate to body friendly PH levels before it changes to FB. and maybe try again. sorry for long intervals between posts, very busy lately....or always it seems Razz
#192 Posted : 4/15/2013 2:33:22 AM

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It seems to work fine with harmala dissolved in water or even plain FB harmala in water, it all becomes mist anyway.

I have not really used it much though, certainly not enough to comment on how far one could go using this ROA. Looks like it could be very fruitful however, for a lot of things like delivering Vitamin B12 perhaps or trace micronutrients or things like Noopept, which have never AFAIK been delivered via the lungs.
#193 Posted : 9/29/2013 12:27:31 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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GREAT WORK ! Nebulizers are affordable, so hope to get one before long.

ecig, spray bottle, nebulizer, ..Some interesting discoveries goings on here.

So, i have a fountain mist maker. Can i make a magic fountain somehow?
It uses a vibrating ceramic disk to make mist.
Only problem is it must stay under four inches of water to work properly.

The only things i can think of would make an extremely dangerous fountain.

How about that B12, that honey oil, that mushroom tea for nebulization?
#194 Posted : 10/12/2013 1:39:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Update on the psychedelic fountain mist maker idea! I just thought of it, and tested, and it seems work.... Pleased
Some essential oils are psychedelic, or have other useful effects, (like nutmeg, clove, elemi, basil, valerian, ect.)
Most oils will float on top of the water, where the mist maker vibrations are concentrated, and where the mist forms.

So this could be a fancy way to ingest essential oils for whatever reason you might think of.
#195 Posted : 5/25/2014 9:57:51 PM

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Has anyone experimented with essential oils yet? What were the results?
#196 Posted : 7/6/2014 7:28:39 AM

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kinda reminds me of this

pretty sweet idea ,Im curious how it would work,I don't have the loot to test it,If I smoked herb that would be on my wish list.Twisted Evil
#197 Posted : 10/2/2014 8:46:17 AM

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..the 520 ultrasonic nebulizer is down to US$ 20.00 now (free ship), it's a shame that we haven't yet found a liquid or solvent to administer a dose in one go (without bottle/balloon). We was really excited reading about PEG 400. How much would it have to be diluted with destilled water in order to nebulize well? Has anybody tried 70% spice-acetate saturated PEG 400 + 20% demineralized water + 5% DMSO + 5% Manuka essential (flower) oil?
#198 Posted : 6/22/2015 11:43:54 PM

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Nebulising can supposedly be used to detox tar from the lungs for people with COPD or emphysema or smokers in general; more here - http://www.earthclinic.c...tions.html#Question_4089
Scroll up and down the page, there is a lot of information.
They recommend using 50/50 DMSO/water solution nebulised and a few other things supplemented unnebulised like MSM to pull the tar out and into the bloodstream. Who knows how good this is but certainly a viable avenue for exploration.
A more in-depth explanation here (scroll to Ted from Bangkok) - http://curezone.com/forums/fm.asp?i=1396507

Wow, I had this very idea a few years back, asked on a science forum and was told it wasn't possible without more details.

Aside from that, any update on this ROA?
#199 Posted : 11/19/2015 8:12:48 PM

Anybody from Lisbon?

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Ultrasonic vaporizer could as well serve to vaporize faster naptha and other solvents during extraction?
Spaced Out 2
#200 Posted : 11/19/2015 10:34:15 PM

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sauroman1 wrote:
Ultrasonic vaporizer could as well serve to vaporize faster naptha and other solvents during extraction?

I don't think so, if your spice is dissolved in the solvent and then run it through a nebulizer then you might just blow your spice all over the room in a fog. Not to mention flammable vapors Sad

Not sure really what it would do, hell it might cause it to snow spice.
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