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People and their silly disclaimer for a signature Options
#1 Posted : 5/27/2009 2:36:30 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Okay people, I have a question, does anyone actually think their "legal disclaimer" in their signature is helping them or actually protecting them in any way?

Seriously now? "Well jee bob, we WERE going to go bust that guy over there, but that disclaimer said it was all a fantasy so we better move along now because obviously we'd be wasting our time."

I don't see any scenario where the disclaimer in their signature is legally helping them in anyway. I guess if people are putting it there as a joke I can understand, but hopefully nobody is believing it will protect them or help them at all.

I'd say use your signature for actually inspiring, funny, interesting things to say, not something to the equivalent that is ran at fast speed at the end of a commercial.


And of course the psychedelics are the naturally evolved nano-machinary of the gayain-matrix that knits together this cosmic ecology. -Terrance Mckenna

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#2 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:03:42 AM

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Protect you from what?

It very well COULD protect you from having an illegitimate search warrant issued against you, based on your posts on the forum (whereas using "SWIM" would not). It could also help to have illegally seized (or planted) evidence thrown out.

My signature "protects" me because it's a full and unequivocal statement of my intentions and practices on the forum. It would be difficult for any law-enforcement personnel to claim in any court that my posts involved my actual practices, since I've SPECIFICALLY and ELABORATELY STATED my intentions to APPEAR to be discussing drug use even though I am NOT. Less explicit signature disclaimers might not have that effect (but could).

Finally, the purpose of my disclaimer is NOT to try to circumvent the law pre-emptively; it's to ALERT any and all interested parties that I am in fact NOT taking part in activities it might SEEM I'm taking part in--and thus avoid confusion and unjustified (i.e., inapplicable) legal entanglements.

Some people DO indulge in fantasy on internet forums. You know that, right?

#3 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:51:38 AM

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SWIMfriend wrote:
Protect you from what?

It very well COULD protect you from having an illegitimate search warrant issued against you, based on your posts on the forum (whereas using "SWIM" would not). It could also help to have illegally seized (or planted) evidence thrown out.

My signature "protects" me because it's a full and unequivocal statement of my intentions and practices on the forum. It would be difficult for any law-enforcement personnel to claim in any court that my posts involved my actual practices, since I've SPECIFICALLY and ELABORATELY STATED my intentions to APPEAR to be discussing drug use even though I am NOT. Less explicit signature disclaimers might not have that effect (but could).

Finally, the purpose of my disclaimer is NOT to try to circumvent the law pre-emptively; it's to ALERT any and all interested parties that I am in fact NOT taking part in activities it might SEEM I'm taking part in--and thus avoid confusion and unjustified (i.e., inapplicable) legal entanglements.

Some people DO indulge in fantasy on internet forums. You know that, right?

Good one.

Holy crap you are not kidding.

Wow, ya okay, a signature on a website is going to protect you from an illegitimate search warrant, or somehow deflect a would-be search on you because now your 'intentions' are stated and well known.

This isn't legal advice in anyway, but you are seriously fooling yourself dude.

I think the only fantasy here is in your, (and whoever else believes this) head, as your signature is literally not doing ANY of those things you just said.

I just wanted it to be known that there are actually some people on this site who read law books.

I'm sorry SWIMfriend, you are wrong, you are not protected in anyway by your signature.

You could change it to, "Please arrest me, I am committing illegal acts on a daily basis and I enjoy looking at unholy godless things" and it would actually make no difference, do you not understand that? (obviously you dont, it is more of a rhetorical question).

I put this in the humour forum because this is incredibly amusing.

SWIMfriend wrote:
Some people DO indulge in fantasy on internet forums. You know that, right?

This isn't a fantasy forum, but a forum which gives explicit step by step instructions on how to extract drugs. You know that, right? We all also know that you and everyone else ain't on here fantasizing about extracting this stuff! That includes law enforcement dude! You under-estimate your enemy is the real problem here.

It is amusing, the wiki itself explains that swim literally means "I", this isn't a secret here!

If you actually wanted to truly protect yourself, you would connect to this site by bouncing your connection between proxies and not hit the site directly. Educate yourself.

If you want instruction on how to set up your browser to connect through proxies before hitting this site, and make it extremely easy to switch back and forth between this proxy setting and non proxy setting, pm me and I will help you out; this is how to actually protect yourself.

I'm not trying to be a jerk, I'm just trying to let the truth be known, your signature is doing approx. jack and shit, and jack left town.
And of course the psychedelics are the naturally evolved nano-machinary of the gayain-matrix that knits together this cosmic ecology. -Terrance Mckenna
#4 Posted : 5/27/2009 4:12:55 AM

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hysterix wrote:
If you actually wanted to truly protect yourself, you would connect to this site by bouncing your connection between proxies and not hit the site directly...

er....right....unless you use one of the MANY proxy servers that are RUN by national and international law enforcement agencies.
#5 Posted : 5/27/2009 4:15:27 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I asked the same thing a while back and was similarly attacked with deluded nonsense about how the people on here are REALLY talking about 'someone who isn't them' and that they can't be prosecuted because 'They' don't do anything illegal. I find it equally ridiculous.
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#6 Posted : 5/27/2009 4:25:19 AM

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11:11 wrote:
I asked the same thing a while back and was similarly attacked with deluded nonsense about how the people on here are REALLY talking about 'someone who isn't them' and that they can't be prosecuted because 'They' don't do anything illegal. I find it equally ridiculous.

Thank god, thank god thank god someone other than me thinks this someone who isn't me thing is nonsense.


And of course the psychedelics are the naturally evolved nano-machinary of the gayain-matrix that knits together this cosmic ecology. -Terrance Mckenna
#7 Posted : 5/27/2009 4:26:42 AM

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SWIMfriend wrote:
hysterix wrote:
If you actually wanted to truly protect yourself, you would connect to this site by bouncing your connection between proxies and not hit the site directly...

er....right....unless you use one of the MANY proxy servers that are RUN by national and international law enforcement agencies.

Dude, one of the proxies I bounce through is a private over-seas web server bought through a fake name where the logs are deleted every 10 minutes.

You are wrong my friend, I'm sorry but you are not a computer science major and I actually know what I am talking about here.

Also, everytime I connect to this site, I don't use my ISP, but a hacked wireless account!

I love it when people use WEP ;-)

For more info:

(Uh oh, you might need to know how to use the command line and be using something other than winblows!)
And of course the psychedelics are the naturally evolved nano-machinary of the gayain-matrix that knits together this cosmic ecology. -Terrance Mckenna
#8 Posted : 5/27/2009 4:37:40 AM

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hysterix wrote:
...You are wrong my friend, I'm sorry but you are not a computer science major and I actually know what I am talking about here....

Oh...I thought you were a lawyer Pleased
#9 Posted : 5/27/2009 4:54:42 AM

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SWIMfriend wrote:
hysterix wrote:
...You are wrong my friend, I'm sorry but you are not a computer science major and I actually know what I am talking about here....

Oh...I thought you were a lawyer Pleased

Damn it must suck being wrong all the time, when did I ever say that my profession was being a lawyer? I simply said I open up an actual damn book once in a while and read, but I'm sure that is too much for you to comprehend. In your mind, I'm sure the only people that actually read high-level books are those who actually do that for a living; sad really.

hysterix wrote:
I just wanted it to be known that there are actually some people on this site who read law books.

Read it and weep dude, you are wrong again:

I have downloaded this 75 gig torrent of pdf's already (it took 3 months) and I literally do not ever stop reading and learning. (yes that includes law books)

You my friend fail; keep making yourself look silly, I love it.
Keep proving 11:11 right that those people with the signatures in their name and who insist on using the term swim attack others when they get laughed at for being so silly.
And of course the psychedelics are the naturally evolved nano-machinary of the gayain-matrix that knits together this cosmic ecology. -Terrance Mckenna
#10 Posted : 5/27/2009 6:57:06 AM

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#11 Posted : 5/27/2009 11:43:08 AM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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The discussions whether use of the term "SWIM" is good or bad or even (as in this case) whether signatures should have legal disclaimers or not never end up in some definite conclusion in which everyone agrees.

They just get boring after everybody states his/her opinion and they cease.

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#12 Posted : 5/27/2009 2:18:19 PM

The Great Namah

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Hey look.

Don't come on here and stir up a bunch of crap. I'm tired of seeing this. Who cares what we put as our disclaimer. Why do you?

I'm having a lot of problems understanding someone who posts a mason jar full of spice on the Nexus, posts YouTube videos of himself during a dmt experience, and then questions our members signature line and tells us he's going to be bringing in a ton of people to this site. Even your username gives me some bad vibes. Hows about you stop stiring up stuff, insulting our members, and just learn or impart your learning to others, and enjoy the once peaceful site we have?
The Spice extends life
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I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#13 Posted : 5/27/2009 2:46:58 PM

Kalt und Heiß, Schwarz und Rot, Kürper und Geist, Liebe und Chaos

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Well said acolon.

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#14 Posted : 5/27/2009 2:58:45 PM

Cloud Whisperer

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Completley agree Very happy

Much Peace
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#15 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:15:51 PM

analytical chemist

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hysterix wrote:
(Uh oh, you might need to know how to use the command line and be using something other than winblows!)

zomg lolz ur s0 1337!!!1111

myself, other chemists, and several other members use linux.
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
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#16 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:30:09 PM

The Great Namah

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Ayawasqero wrote:
What are we talking about? Shouldn´t we rather discuss the silly legal status of an N, N - dimethyltryptamine? System will get whether you are covering your backs or not. And, oh,
SWIMfriend, You´ve got an funny silly legal disclaimer, ha ha.

Well said. And yes, many of us use humor in our "disclaimers". It is there for fun. Using SWIM clutters up a post...a disclaimer at the end, no matter how little legal protection it offers (and this is different for members living in different US States, and different countries) is a members right to use.

I'm going to leave this thread open for the rest of the day and then I'm shutting it down.

The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#17 Posted : 5/27/2009 3:44:23 PM

analytical chemist

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yous guys get pretty creative with those funny sigs; doesn't irk me at all
"Nothing is true, everything is permitted." ~ hassan i sabbah
"Experiments are the only means of attaining knowledge at our disposal. The rest is poetry, imagination." -Max Planck
#18 Posted : 5/27/2009 5:33:45 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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This is a silly thread that could only start ugly arguments between people who would otherwise get along great. The title practically begs for an argument to start. Thank you acolon_5 for closing this thread to preserve the peaceful and relaxed (NOT NIT-PICKY) vibe of the Nexus.
All posts are fictional.
#19 Posted : 5/27/2009 6:05:35 PM

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That's exactly what I thought. I didn't even want to post anything in this thread because of it.
You may remember me as 69Ron. I was suspended years ago for selling bunk products under false pretenses. I try to sneak back from time to time under different names, but unfortunately, the moderators of the DMT-Nexus are infinitely smarter than I am.

If you see me at the waterpark, please say hello. I'll be the delusional 50 something in the American flag Speedo, oiling up his monster guns while responding to imaginary requests for selfies from invisible teenage girls.
#20 Posted : 5/27/2009 6:23:39 PM

The Great Namah

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Well I wanted everyone to get their last say in before shutting this POS down.

We don't need this on the Nexus. Personally I feel like the tone of the Nexus has slowly been going down hill (and I don't blame any one person for this). I am personally going to be spending some time PM'ing people, reading threads I would normally not, and shutting down threads that are getting out of hand.

I can use help with this. People that are sick of what the Nexus has turned into please do me a favor....PM me if you see a problem arising. I will do what I can to help get the Nexus back to a place that it was just a few months ago.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
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