Finished with the Rue. Came out nice and Blond. Its used insufflated so I try to get it as light as possible for less 'sting'
Anyways, I have been hooked on opiates for years. Got into severe accidents as a youth and was hit by a car four years ago so, pain management has been an issue.
In my desperation to find relief when I need to, I have come across info that states Harmalas work on opiate receptors.
Of COURSE you know I had to try it. I have NEVER followed diet restrictions either for Rue and have never gotten sick from it's interaction [[ supposed, in some people ]] with being a 'RIMA' but I don't promote it for EVERYONE either..we are all different.
So, thats what I've been doing when I get to where I'm a few days away from refill. I found that getting ALL other opie's out of the system FIRST seems to be almost paramount to whether the harmalas will work or not. Actually I found the info HERE on the Nexus , among several other places [[ They basically all echo one another ]]
Harmalas to aid in opiate withdrawls:"It has been also proven that P. harmala-derived beta-carbolines interact with opioid,[21] dopamine,[24] GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric acid),[31] 5-hydroxytryptamine, benzodiazepine, and imidazoline[32] receptors present in the nervous system and this way induce their many pharmacological effects" :
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih....pmc/articles/PMC3841998/They don't work THE SAME, 'strength wise', but you know it CERTAINLY does take the edge off and make life bearable until the meds are filled.
Here is some info for all who are interested. I can see WHY this info has not gotten the attention it deserves but I don't like that fact at all. I mean come on...Rue has been here and grows ALL over the place yet we don't hear about it unless we look for the info.
I hope to someday phase all opie's out and other 'naturals' in, instead of going on like this with prescribed meds. I'm gettin too OLD for that shit. Pharmaceutical drugs : I HATE them, yet I love them too.
Take Care and PEACE:
Everything I say here happened in My own Imagination. The more fantastic it sounds, the more you can count on it being in the realm of Dreams,