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Why do you smoke DMT? Options
#1 Posted : 9/19/2014 9:04:17 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I have researched DMT for a long time now and have always been fascinated by it reading about people's experiences with it on the internet.

From my limited knowledge, DMT is supposedly the most intense visionary experience a human can likely have. It usually leaves people with more questions than answers and generally people are left with a "what the f*** just happened" feeling. Most people describe it as hard to get anything out of it because it's so fast and intense. It can supposedly be a positive experience full of love and understanding or a negative one full of fear and darkness. And then there are intelligent entities that people speak of.

So a few questions:
1. Why do you smoke DMT?
2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?
3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?
4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?
5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 9/19/2014 9:56:16 AM

veni, vidi, spici

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morning soul_traveler,

1. Why do you smoke DMT?

above all else I think its ridiculously good fun.

2. Was it a helpful or harmful in your experience?

i think it has been helpful, it has helped me to develop thought patterns that otherwise probably wouldnt have arisen.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?

its changed the way i think about my existence

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?

no, i dont think so

5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?

99% of them are very external, seemingly beyond doubt, but that doesnt mean they are external.

There is an entity that i have met several times that is neither internal or external, he is infact me, not created by my mind or a projection of my mind, he is me or more acurately i am him.

If our consensus reality is really a crazy imersive video game, in which the player forgets he is playing the game, then this particular entity, "The Stringpuller", is playing the game and i am merely his avatar.

I think that i am just a projection of his mind, but i am a low quality self representation of my true game playing self. This then means that the entities i meet that seem hyperintellegent are actually self created by the real me, who is playing the game, he is actually much cleverer and knowledgable than the entities i meet.

So the entities i meet in hyperspace that are hyper intellegent and seem to be impossible to create with my monkey mind are, in reality, pretty stupid when campared to the real game playing me.

Anyway, enough of that nonsence, do have any Magic to find out what down the rabbit hole?

i hope you doThumbs up


it's all in your mind, but what's your mind???

fool of the year

#3 Posted : 9/19/2014 12:27:58 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. Why do you smoke DMT?

It's fascinating.

2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?

Sometimes Confusing, sometimes helpful.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?

It didn't change me, but it changed my view on everything.

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?


5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?

It felt like part of the experience.
Everything is always okay in the end, if it's not, then it's not the end.
#4 Posted : 9/19/2014 3:52:40 PM

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I smoke DMT because it makes me MORE HUMAN. Not even totally sure what that means but I Know it is true.

In my experience DMT has been very helpful and has communicated that It Loves me and would never hurt me.

I'm not sure if I have "learned" "anything" but I do seem to be operating more out of Love and a generally higher vibration in my month of exploration

Oh yeah, the Knowledge that All is One has been more and more apparent in daily life since using this thing

#5 Posted : 9/20/2014 4:23:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. Why do you smoke DMT?
# Its very very special and I feel honoured to have found DMT or to have had it find me.

2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?
# If there is a negative side to DMT I'd love to hear about it.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?
I have said for many years that people can not change and yet I am now changed.
I am grateful for everything now. Pre DMT I was just trying to get through life quickly and cleanly.

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?

5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?
#I met an Alien who spoke to me and I've thought on what he said to me for many an hour and I will never forget that moment.
My conclusion is that , what was said , was said to prove that he was not from my mind.

I enjoyed answering your questions Smile
#6 Posted : 9/20/2014 4:44:35 PM


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1. Why do you smoke DMT?
because i have always had a tendency to go distances others wont, i enjoy of being able to have a break from the real world i guess and to help me make decisions, find clues on what im supposed to do, and to gain new knowledge other people cannot give me except by experiencing for myself.

2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?
DMT has been very helpful to me, i used to have a bad habit of smoking spice (k2) and that was a very dark road for me, but when i had tried DMT for the first time, i found peace with it, i no longer had a desire for spice after 2 journeys with DMT.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?
DMT has changed and altered many aspects of my life, i no longer smoke cigarettes, i can think more clearly, and i am at peace with most things now. sleep is much better now aswell.

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?

5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?
i have not met any entities yet, but i know they were always there watching and guiding me, i could hear them talk to me and i trusted what they were showing/telling me. i believe they were quite real, they were not a figment of imagination
why should we listen to others opinions when they are scared to follow us on our journeys
#7 Posted : 9/20/2014 7:30:33 PM

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1. For relief of migraines.

2. I find it to be very helpful!

3. It can bring my pain to a tolerable level and I can function, act, think and behave like a "normal" human being again.

4. Although I am aware of the great potential of DMT to explore things of a spiritual nature I am choosing not to until I can get my physical self well and prepare myself for such an experience. Once I achieve this I fully intend to explore...

5. Yes, but not while on any substance. It was if I was having the experience through my own eyes, and another beings but also seeing it third person at the same time...it was very strange and I have never experienced it before or since.**

** I'm not sure where to post it but I'll not post it here and step on your thread.

Insert a profound and life-altering statement here for others to read.

#8 Posted : 9/20/2014 8:43:38 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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cosmictaylor wrote:
I smoke DMT because it makes me MORE HUMAN.

Yesss. Beautiful. But since tOP asked, here's my dos pence. Thumbs up
Soul Traveler asked us :
soul_traveler wrote:

1. Why do you smoke DMT?

Hmm, i really DON'T., what i want to know is why does DMT smoke me?
DMT is not something i seek, nor do i have any kind of regular use habit going with.
But DMT is a tool i use to access states of consciousness, a shortcut,a key with which i unlock levels of spiritual being. In its baffling nature, it helps me understand the creation.

2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?

DMT saved my life
Again, you think I'm kidding?
I'm still so damn far from well that if i were in a boat in a sea of crap, I'd have no idea where the shore is. Life is a struggle, and I've had more than my share. DMT showed me, at the same time, just how meaningless my life was, and how meaningful it is.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?

Like i said, I'm far from whole, or healed, or whatever, by a single experience with 5meo that revealed death to me not only erased my fear of it but has made it impossible for me to actively seek it .

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?

There is a 'creative force' that is very t teal.
The human consciousness is a reflection of this force, serving as the 'sensory organs' of god .
Nothing has ever happened to me, not even the circumstances of my birth

5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?

The glimpses I've had definitively seemed to be exogenous.

Sine experientia nihil sufficienter sciri potest -Roger Bacon
*γνῶθι σεαυτόν*
#9 Posted : 9/21/2014 6:32:04 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I personally feel like my entire DMT experience has been perfect. I've gotten more than I ever thought possible.

1. I smoke DMT as a healthy reminder. A reminder that we are part of this world in a way vastly beyond our understanding.

2. My experiences have all been helpful. Some more profound than others, with one immensely beyond the rest.

3. It of course has changed me through the repeated process of integration. Having the profound experience is only half the fun - looking at your regular world through a new set of lenses is another. This afterglow gives me the will to change thought patterns, which changes behavior patterns, which in turn adds significant value to my life.

4. All of my biggest questions were answered, yes. Robert Anton Wilson said something to the tune of "[it's silly to ask the question when you are the answer.]" I suppose I understand that sentence on a level that would be impossible without a certain DMT experience of mine.

5. I've met entities both that seemed external to me and internal, stemming from my brain. Keep in mind though, encountering entities is not how you'd expect. You could read 1000 trip reports of entity contact and it's still going to be a strange realization as it happens.

But I really believe the best thing for a person who's never tried it is to have no expectations, and to go in with a child-like wonder, happy and willing to embrace any experience that comes forward without an urge to control it.

Thumbs up
#10 Posted : 9/21/2014 7:47:44 AM

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I smoke DMT to learn about my mind and to experience what it has to tell me. To discover how in depth the human experience can really be.

I have learned, so much.
#11 Posted : 9/21/2014 7:57:26 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks everyone for entertaining my questions, i enjoyed reading all your answers.

3rdI wrote:
99% of them are very external, seemingly beyond doubt, but that doesnt mean they are external.

There is an entity that i have met several times that is neither internal or external, he is infact me, not created by my mind or a projection of my mind, he is me or more acurately i am him.

If our consensus reality is really a crazy imersive video game, in which the player forgets he is playing the game, then this particular entity, "The Stringpuller", is playing the game and i am merely his avatar.

I think that i am just a projection of his mind, but i am a low quality self representation of my true game playing self. This then means that the entities i meet that seem hyperintellegent are actually self created by the real me, who is playing the game, he is actually much cleverer and knowledgable than the entities i meet.

So the entities i meet in hyperspace that are hyper intellegent and seem to be impossible to create with my monkey mind are, in reality, pretty stupid when campared to the real game playing me.

Anyway, enough of that nonsence, do have any Magic to find out what down the rabbit hole?

i hope you doThumbs up

You just blew my mind 3rdI! Laughing
#12 Posted : 10/2/2014 6:19:11 AM

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soul_traveler wrote:

So a few questions:
1. Why do you smoke DMT?
2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?
3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?
4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?
5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?

1. I smoke DMT for the same reason I take any psychedelic- to expand my consciousness and to hopefully obtain a deeper understanding of myself and the nature of existence.

2. I would say that it has been a neutral experience. I don't find it recreational by any means, but it is a positive experience in the sense that it achieves the purpose I have for it.

3. I don't know that I would say it has changed me, but it certainly showed me the true potential of my own mind.

4. Not yet, but my experience with DMT is still rather limited.

5. I have not yet met any entities.
#13 Posted : 10/2/2014 7:21:48 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. Why do you smoke DMT?
1. Good question, honestly hard to answer. I would say that it has just found me and i have become very interested in it since i first began researching the molecule.

2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?
2. For me the experiences have been great but at some points very difficult. Stop IMO I would suggest it to basically everyone though as i am a firm believer in its powers.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?
3. Yes, hardly a day goes by that i do not think about my experiences smoking dmt. i have very vivid experiences and memories.

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?
4. I would not say that any personal questions have been answered, as i never smoked to necessarily find answers to things... I do however feel that i have peered into a very rare window that most people will never see into.. Kinda rad!

5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?
5. I'm not sure if what i have seen or 'met' was exactly an entity as it was of no real form. it seemed to me like the wheel of like. it seemed very external and not a part of me. very very powerful and unforgettable moment!

“The shaman is not merely a sick man, or a madman; he is a sick man who has healed himself.”
– T.M.
#14 Posted : 10/2/2014 5:17:57 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. Why do you smoke DMT?

Because from the moment I heard about it, I was intrigued, and when I tried it, even more so! It can be tremendously exciting, fun, insightful, beautiful, and uplifting.

2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?

Generally helpful. I have had a couple that shook me to the core, but I think I needed that. I respect myself, others, and the world around me in a way that is far deeper than I could have previously. It can be very humbling.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?

When it comes down to it, I am essentially the same person at heart, although we change incrementally day by day, but every experience grants new insights. I have also let go of a lot of baggage that previously weighed me down, which is a real blessing.

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?

I find it tends to show me what it wants, rather than the other way round, but often that is more helpful than what I dreamt up beforehand any way.

5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?

Dmt thrusts me into environments that are entirely alive, communicative and extraordinary. If that is me, then it is a part of me that I don't normally have access to. If it is an entity, then they are equal parts divine and bizarre.

Lose Control, Free My Soul, Break Me Open, Make Me Whole.
"DMT kicked my balls off" - od3
#15 Posted : 10/2/2014 6:18:31 PM

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1. Why do you smoke DMT?

Because of the insights I've gained and will gain. Because I'm able to share my experience with my friends (they are supremely curious, but rather cautious about doing it themselves). Because it's allowed a kind of mental boxing gym when my thoughts are raging and I need to get back to having a peaceful, empty mindset.

2. Is it a helpful, harmful, or just neutral in your experience?

I would say helpful. But there have been times when my brain needed a break. In those times, I put it down and got some rest. And oddly enough, as I was layering it up to breakthrough levels, I would get a little, "Maybe that's enough" voice that came through. Whenever I got that, I either put on a daring smile and ignored it, or put it down. But most of the time I put it down, because I do care about things and stuff.

3. Has it changed you in anyway, and if so how?

It's definitely changed me. It's allowed me to see that life is a fun adventure, and that there's no harm in gravitating to your own personal enjoyments. While it's true that we should keep an open mind and be accepting of all nature, since we are a part of nature, we can be comfortable with going with our own "frequency" if you will.

4. Have any of your personal or external questions been answered by the use of DMT?

There is often a phase inside of the experience where questions get answered. But part of what I've learned is to keep it personal. As soon as you begin being overly concerned with others, you begin to slip into the darker trips that lead you to anger and confusion. Now...in this sense it's ok to say, "I wonder why I'm suddenly seeing my aunt in this experience...where is this going?" But to have a giant puzzle about her and to try to get to the bottom of what's "wrong" with her behavior or otherwise try to fix a problem...you will inevitably begin to not be ok with the way things are. Slipping to the dark side of the force, to borrow from Star Wars.

5. If you have met an entity, did it feel like a part of your own mind, or something external to you?

I would say both. I've had some entities approach me that matched my energy very closely, so we hit it off quite well. Other entities...well...I've been loving and accepting of them, but we weren't very similar in our intentions. I've also met very dark entities that seemed to wish harm on me.
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