Pandora wrote:Hello EvaNick,
Welcome to the Nexus. Thank you so much for sharing your introduction (including extraction picture) with us,
I also smoke weed on a daily basis whenever possible. I'm hoping that will become more possible when my garden finishes flowering in a couple months,
Great job doing your own extraction to procure DMT! That loocks nice, white and fluffy. In my opinion, very nice looking indeed. Do you mind my asking which tek you used and what material you started with (MHRB, acacia, . . . )?
In terms of vaping DMT, what to expect and how to integrate, you have come to a good resource. I strongly encourage you to go research crazy. Check out this forum. There are areas and subfora on all types of topics, such as how to smoke/vape DMT, advice for folks having trouble breaking through (i.e. on improving vaping techniques) and so much more. The Health and Safety link has information on integration and other important and relevant issues.
DMT has a distinct learning curve. And as far as I can tell, it never lets up. In my opinion, this is a wonderful blessing,
If you would care to share anything else about yourself, I'm sure folks would love to read it. Where are you in life? What is your focus in terms of education, career, family, philosophy, etc? What is your level of psychedelic experience? Not just a list of drugs you have taken, but maybe what you feel they have done for you, what insights you have gained, etc. . . . anything to help fill in the intro would be great.
You are in a very exciting place. There is a HUGE sea in front of you, it has delightful shallows, but when folks dive deep, we tend to find it goes deeper than the Marianis Trench. I hope you enjoy your explorations of the sea of Hyperspace and gain from whatever insight islands you discover there.
Warm Regards,
Hello Pandora, Hello spiritual friends,
First of all, many thanks for your nice words Pandora, and the time you’ve spent and your energy. I appreciate this a lot!
I really & enjoy like being part of this community, people here are so nice and helpful, it feels like one big spiritual family, without borders (inside we are all the same, we are all one, we are all love; and it doesn't matter where we are from, or where we live, or how old are we or, or, or... this is what DMT is about, it connects us all by its unique way. We are one! <3 Namaste <3 )
I’ve passed many hours and days reading about DMT extraction, watching videos, comparing compounds and methods. So the Tec I’ve decided to use is a mix of different STB Tecs (Naphtha Method)
I’ve used MHRB(25 gr), Lye(15gr), 250ml tap water, and 50ml naphtha.
The differences are mostly in the timing between extraction steps:
I didn’t wait 24 hours for the lye, MHRB, water rest, instead I’ve waited 1 hour, then I’ve made hot water bath and let the solution heat a bit! Afterwards I’ve added the naphtha and did 3 more hot water baths(every hour) + 3 DMT shuffles( each about 2 min )…
Then I’ve pulled out the yellow Naphtha, and immediately put it in the freezer for precipitation… lest it there for 24 hours, then removed the naphtha with a turkey baster and put the Pyrex back in the freezer for 2-3 more hours. The result was exactly the fluffy powder you see in the picture up! And it was quite a lot (I’m still waiting my dig scale to arrive so I can’t scale it), I was surprises it came out only from 25gr MHRB! All the spice you see on the picture came is from my first pull! The 3 pulls afterwards gave nothing. I’ve never smelled DMT before, but mine smells really weird.. like death, like old people smells!
I’ll definitely invest on a GVG, I think as well it worth the money and I want my first trip to hyperspace to be as perfect as possible! DMT it’s a very special to me, even thought I've never did it, I could feel it is exactly what I need to expand my mind/consciousness, and live a better fruitful life!.. but it also feels little scary, maybe from the unknown and new.
Little bit more about me…
I don’t like speaking much about me, I like more to feel things and people.. Words are so useless sometimes! I like enjoying silence with my boyfriend for example, like we don’t need to speak to feel in complete harmony, just a look in the eyes is enough!!
For me, language is just 1 way to explain and understand what surround you.. to express life.
I use feelings a lot… By looking in someone’s eyes I can feel the soul and if we can radiate or not good together. I’m also very emotional person, for me what counts in life is kindness and heart, not material thing but more! I listen to my heart and not to my mind very often, if heart says it right mind don't listen... sometimes this is good, sometimes is not, but I feel from inside, it’s the right thing and i can't and wont change. I believe all good comes back, all good we did circulated around us, even if our reaction is sometimes not logical. Sometimes, i feel very different than the mass of people, if you see what I mean… like more spiritual person and not so grounded grown up, even though I pretend to be in normal life, job.. etc. I’m sure some of you will understand me..
I’m an artist, but my art is projected on screen. I’m a web designer and I love to create! My work is my passion, one of them.
I like to smoke weed because it gives me more creativity, more energy and I live a better life with it. I eat better, sleep better etc…
My experience with psilocybin is not quite large, but it was always a beautiful and enlightening experience. I’ve did all my trips in nature, surrounded by very precious people for me, it felt like paradise, like we are all connected, plants, people, animals...
Talking about animals, I love them and I can feel their energy as well. I’m interested in spirituality, meditation, etc. Terrence McKenna is my biggest idol.
An interesting thing about me I want to share is that I’ve had several times prophetic dreams, my dream came true in real life – and helped me sort out problems. I feel it like a precious gift, to see and get prepare before situation accurse really.
So, for conclusion, I want to say, I feel this community is the right place for me to be, and I can feel as well I’m getting more confident on DMT and I know my trip is approaching… Other thing I know, is that once I’ve did it, I’ll never be the same again! I Can feel this already even though I can’t really imagine how my trip will be.
Peace & Love from the bottom of my heart.. & this is quite deep!
“Everything inside and around us wants to reflect itself in us. We don’t have to go anywhere to obtain the truth. We only need to be still and things will reveal themselves in the still water of our heart.” – Thích Nhất Hạnh