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Questions Re: Lucid dreaming and out of body experiences brought on by microdosing Options
#1 Posted : 10/23/2013 6:27:59 PM

At Peace

Posts: 220
Joined: 11-Sep-2013
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Background is here in this thread (posted today, prior to this question).

After days of these experiences, my sleep has been good and well. I fall asleep quickly and comfortably, but my dreams switch back and forth between super-intense lucid dreaming, and total out of body experiences.

Example scenario: I fell asleep quickly and easily while totally sober (after reading), but then was immediately transported to some other place, another dimension of some kind that was both familiar and also unrecognizable. Energy was flowing through me like I feel during the takeoff after drinking Ayahuasca or during Ayahuasca meditation/trance. Only, instead of being a slow, snake-like gliding of waves, it was like Niagra falls coming out of my body, making my body feel like all the energy of the entire universe was flowing through me at once. Not only that, but I could see the energy as a full, visible rainbow. I was like the Leprechaun's pot of gold, but it was my whole body, shooting in all directions. Literally, I was shooting rainbows in all directions in an uncontrollable way. I couldn't stop it, and couldn't wake up. I was fully conscious, and I could see myself in bed, feel myself in bed, was able to toss and turn, was able to reach out and feel my girlfriend beside me, but at the same time I was also in another dimension shooting all the energy of the entire universe out of me in the form of a visible spectrum of colorful light energy.

Later in the night, the dream scenario changed, and I found myself bunkering down for the night in a cabin. It was a camping experience. In the dream, my girlfriend was there with me, and I was trying to protect her as she was going to sleep (that was the feeling and obligation I had in me). In the dream I knew there were bears in the vicinity, and I had noted evidence of scraps of food in this cabin. And in fact, less than a month ago, in my real life, I was hiking in the high desert country and found evidence of a bear in a place where there should be no bears. In my real life, I tracked this bear for several miles, and went home to report it to the local rangers, since there haven't been bears in this area for a hundred years.... In the dream, as I feared, a hungry momma bear tried to get into the cabin in the middle of the night, and the rest of the dream was spent behind a locked door, trying to either make an escape, or lucidly trying to decide the best way to fend it off with only one under-powered rifle and 4 shots. I woke at 6am sharp, seconds BEFORE my alarm went off. I had slept the full night without waking up once, out of body experiences and lucid, fully controllable dreams included. I woke feeling refreshed and well rested, but completely jarred from the overall terrifying dream experiences. It took hours to shake the emotional impact of it all.

Does this stuff happen to other people?

A few weeks ago I had an awkward, lucid social dream involving people I haven't seen or spoken to in many years, and I woke up twice, each time getting out of bed, sipping water, hitting the bathroom, and returning to the same dream 3 times! 3 times I plunged back into the same dream. No Ayahuasca/DMT had been consumed for days... I've only experienced repeat dreams like this once every few years of my life. I don't think I've had a repeat dream come back 3 times ever since I was a child (pre-adolescence I had a lot of repeat lucid dream experiences).

Is this stuff normal for other voyagers, or is this more likely part of what has felt like a Kundalini Awakening that began several years ago with a near death experience? The messages Ayahuasca has been telling me have been pretty remarkable, and it's the same voice that told me "it's not your time yet" moments before I woke up from a coma in 2011. What do people general believe about this stuff on this board? I realize that all the joys and suffering of my life's existence are a remarkable thing in themself, and I need to keep my energy at my heart level in order to avoid letting it all go to my head... But after you are told again and again that you have some kind of vague, highly ambitious mission as a lone warrior in this life... I mean, how many times can you ignore that when it comes to you in a coma, in the DMT experience, in lucid dreams and out of body experiences, and in the signs of life? How can you ignore it when you begin finding that people in your real life begin showing their love for you in new ways, tell you they believe in you unconditionally, and the number of these people continue to grow like followers or disciples, without effort on your part? It's spooky, mystical, and I realize there is no way to avoid whatever fate there may or may not be, including death or no death. It's all the same either way, but seriously, I can't be the only one to have experiences as profound and comprehensive as this, right?


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#2 Posted : 10/25/2013 4:55:53 AM

At Peace

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I'm just adding to this thread:

Last night I had another absolutely insane out-of-body experience in my sleep again, without any provocation by changing stuff, without any microdosing or anything. It was a full on astral projection in a way I never experienced quite before. I was 'awake' in the sense that I was aware of cuddling with my girlfriend, and felt her. I was awake in that same sense when I could roll over and feel her come cuddle me again. During this time, I was 'stuck' in this spot where I felt an energy come over me, but it began to resonate a frequency that was self-amplifying. I could hold onto this self-amplifying signal/energy, and while holding on, and maintaining an interesting Hindu-feeling dance pose, of sorts, I began rising up from my laying down position into the air. I became vertical, and suddenly was transported to daylight, above my house, above my street, and my body floated up hundreds of feet in the air. I could look down and see the entire neighborhood, and could see all the way to the ocean from a perspective I've never seen before. I saw into windows of sky rises while being lifted up. It was just nuts the amount of detail that was present. It all could be accurate for all I know. It seemed that way then, and it seems that way now. All the while, I was still consciously aware of laying in bed at the same time. Bizarre...

I discovered while levitating from flat to upright and vertical that the upward projection was moving directly into the sun, like a seed sprouting and rising up. I felt people connecting to me, and also holding onto this resonance with me. All they had to do was touch the framework of attached people and they became a piece of this skyscraper-sized growing shoot into the sky. I couldn't make out any other people I knew besides my girlfriend. It felt like I was the original dividing cell of a growing plant, or some other plant like entity. Maybe it was this kingdom Aya has been telling me about? Who the heck knows... Unlike the previous out-of-body experience, this one was euphoric. I will never forget this. I won't ever forget the feeling of the entire universe's matter and energy blasting out of me as a rainbow--but growing into a 500 foot tall plant above my house is definitely up there in novelty factor also.

Life is oddly wonderful right now. I really hope I can hold onto this chain of events as something meaningful and integral into my life. The best I can do is try. I'm not even bordering on hypomanic by any standards, but I feel absolutely amazing these days. Leaving my previous job to pursue my own entrepreneurial passions with the help of Ayahuasca feels like the best decision of my entire life, to date.
#3 Posted : 10/26/2013 11:45:43 PM

At Peace

Posts: 220
Joined: 11-Sep-2013
Last visit: 19-Feb-2019
I had yet another out-of-body dream experience last night. It went back and forth between out-of-body and lucid dreaming. It was pleasant. I feel like I'm learning to enjoy this immensely. It can be scary when you aren't expecting it, nor understand how to make any sense of it.

Last night wasn't as intense as the other occassions. I think that's because I'm developing an awareness for this other realm that dreams take place in. I can 'sense' my dream state as different from my normal mind-body experience, and the out-of-body experience begins with this observation of myself leaving my body. I think it happens with most dreams, especially lucid dreams, but I've never bothered to take note of the fact that my mind, or what is left of my mind during sleep, is going to a more DMT-like realm of existence in order to have the dream experience. After trying Ayahuasca a number of times, it's becoming increasingly clear to me the relationship between these inner planes of existence, and in developing a framework to make sense of the experiences and sensations, I 'get it' now. I see what has been in front of my mind all along.

I have something else to add as well. My natural blood pressure tends to run on the lower side, so I am prone to dizzy spells when standing up from a relaxed position too quickly without clenching my leg muscles simultaneously. As such, when the lights go black for a split second during a normal dizzy spell, I now have been experiencing glimpses of DMT-like visions in that split second. I even can sometimes hear the buzz and glimmering jewel-like sounds that fade instantly after the moment passes. I think these sensations have been present all my life, just like these dreams have been, but our adult brains work SO hard to maintain this realm we call "reality," that I believe we program ourselves to ignore these things.... But they're there all the time for us to see if we know what to pay attention to.

Just a hypothesis I have been kicking around lately... Probably deserves its own thread. Maybe later...
Hyperspace Fool
#4 Posted : 10/28/2013 7:06:04 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Warrior wrote:

Does this stuff happen to other people?


I LD and AP regularly... and have done so for decades.


Is this stuff normal for other voyagers, or is this more likely part of what has felt like a Kundalini Awakening that began several years ago with a near death experience? The messages Ayahuasca has been telling me have been pretty remarkable, and it's the same voice that told me "it's not your time yet" moments before I woke up from a coma in 2011. What do people general believe about this stuff on this board?

Normal is highly subjective... I don't think I would refer to anything we talk about here on the Nexus as normal, but the word is mostly pejorative where I come from.

I think these things are interconnected though, and they can feed off of each other. Regular use of aya or spice can certainly open you up to new realms of dreaming and OOBEs. I find that in the beginning, these altered states are rather foreign to people and can be rejected... people can retroactively erase their memory of these things (Think about how dreams that are vivid as hell can just fade away in a matter of minutes... leaving you for the most part as if it never happened).

The more practice you get with LDs, AP and Hyperspace Travel, the easier it is to control the experience, to navigate the realms in question... and to remember what went down.

All I can say is you might want to take it slow. Don't rush into this stuff... take lengthy entheogen breaks... and meditate regularly. You need to ground this stuff out and not spin off into mania. Spend time doing hardcore strenuous exercise and watch out for delusions of grandeur. But all in all, it is rather awesome. So enjoy it.

"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#5 Posted : 10/29/2013 3:38:00 AM

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Since spice contact, this one night I was awoken from sleep (almost never hapens) because I was experiencing what felt like the backstage organization of the Universe; I knew it was to big for me to be experiencing... Anyone have those? Had it happen couple times on spice as well as just dreaming.
In the dance of astral hyperspace, we learn, grow, and connect. Here's to our shared journey through the cosmic tapestry! ✨🌌
#6 Posted : 11/7/2013 10:38:21 PM

At Peace

Posts: 220
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Last visit: 19-Feb-2019
Hyperspace Fool wrote:

Normal is highly subjective... I don't think I would refer to anything we talk about here on the Nexus as normal, but the word is mostly pejorative where I come from.

I think these things are interconnected though, and they can feed off of each other. Regular use of aya or spice can certainly open you up to new realms of dreaming and OOBEs. I find that in the beginning, these altered states are rather foreign to people and can be rejected... people can retroactively erase their memory of these things. (Think about how dreams that are vivid as hell can just fade away in a matter of minutes... leaving you for the most part as if it never happened)

The more practice you get with LDs, AP and Hyperspace Travel, the easier it is to control the experience, to navigate the realms in question... and to remember what went down.

All I can say is you might want to take it slow. Don't rush into this stuff... take lengthy entheogen breaks... and meditate regularly. You need to ground this stuff out and not spin off into mania. Spend time doing hardcore strenuous exercise and watch out for delusions of grandeur. But all in all, it is rather awesome. So enjoy it.

First, thank you for your response. I gave it some thought and reflection before posting again. I appreciate your cautionary advice as well. I feel better when I treat myself like an athlete and physically wear myself down a few times per week, and get some form of exercise every single day. I feel infinitely better.

Second, I want to say that I have become skilled with deep meditation in the last year, and I feel like this in itself has aided my dream state experiences tremendously. I typically medidate for 40-60 minutes in the morning, and another 20-40 minutes before bed. I can reach a trance state in a short period of time (less than 10 minutes on most days).

Perhaps I would have cognitively rejected these experiences in the past? I'm not sure. I've had them all my life, but sometimes very infrequently. Then again, I've also been obsessive about sleep habits off and on for many years, so that in itself can produce some contradictory conclusions I make about how often I experience LD and AP's, (i.e. use of sleep medications to 'get a good 8 hours everynight'Pleased. Maybe it's part personal, but also part 'skill'? I don't know yet, and I want to find out.

Thanks again. Best wishes to you!
#7 Posted : 11/7/2013 10:48:39 PM

At Peace

Posts: 220
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Last visit: 19-Feb-2019
f1 wrote:
Since spice contact, this one night I was awoken from sleep (almost never hapens) because I was experiencing what felt like the backstage organization of the Universe; I knew it was to big for me to be experiencing... Anyone have those? Had it happen couple times on spice as well as just dreaming.

Yeah, I've experienced that. I've had these stumbling into backstage areas of the dreamscape all my life.

Another experience I had a few years ago happened when I was on a date that ended with her coming back to my apartment. I had awful insomnia that night, and in desperation I vaped some cannabis to help fall asleep before coming back to bed. At this point, I hadn't used any psychedelics in almost a decade. I really liked this woman, and wanted to make a good overall impression, so I was kind of tiptoeing around a little nervously. After my 2:30am cannabis intervention, I returned to bed and eventually fell asleep, but I dreamt that I was awake all night--I dreamt that I was trying to lay still and not bother this other person (it was her first time in my apartment, so I wanted her to sleep well enough). The next morning after she got up, I felt like I had to apologize for a series of incidents that occurred. I ended up dreaming up a whole bunch of embarrassing events and early morning conversations, and it had all been a lucid dream! It was a complete and total hallucination. She looked at me like I was nuts, and basically said she had no idea what I was talking about. It was very confusing. I had to trace my steps back to whether or not I had even left the bed to vape some cannabis or not... I had... The rest just got very weird. I've never had a hallucinatory dream quite as real-feeling as that before then, (or at least one I hadn't rejected, or one that I had the opportunity to have someone there to check facts with).

I digress...
Hyperspace Fool
#8 Posted : 11/8/2013 8:37:51 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Interesting, Warrior.

I have had some rather extreme false awakening dreams... realer than real.

There was one "Groundhog Day" type dream where I kept living the same morning over and over again (each time subtly different). The first few times I was absolutely convinced it was reality, but after a while I began to suspect every dream and was hyper vigilant for signs that what was happening was a dream.

The weirdest bit was that I was fairly sure that the final dream (i.e. the one that turned out to be my "real" life) seemed at least as fake as the previous 10. The only difference was that I made the conscious decision to go on in that life. I had to pee pretty badly at that point, and every false awakening eventually got around to me going in to take a piss. At first, it was the thought that if I was still asleep, I ran the risk of pissing my bed that triggered me to reawaken in bed. Later, it was the memory of the previous false awakenings... and in the end, I decided that I had to pee and didn't care which was the "real" reality anymore. As soon as the piss hit the toilet water, the dream stabilized and became reality. As if the ripples from the piss continued out and locked the dream.

Very odd stuff, indeed.
"Curiouser and curiouser..." ~ Alice

"Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it." ~ Buddha
#9 Posted : 11/9/2013 7:39:34 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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just blew my mind man lol.

reminds me of waking up after a night of too much dirty mdma in my imaginary younger days. I felt as if i was still dreaming, like i was somewhere i shouldnt be and i was stuck. it didn't help the friends house i was at had gnarly art everywhere, and occult books on the coffee table. I remember looking at a book with depictions of masonic ritual and seeing words written which were not there upon reexamination in a more lucid state. weird stuff.

I believe it had to do with mental strain from dirty mdma, but also the strange energy accumulated in my friends house. Her parents are a bit weird and into the occult, oddball artists if you will. anyways it creeped me out a little but i found it fascinating, kinda like the other time i woke up after too many pills and thought i had literally become a bicycle tube...it was a bit disconcerting thinking of all the complications being a bicycle tube would have on my everyday life lol, good thing i realized after a while i still reside in my human body.
#10 Posted : 9/7/2014 12:20:48 PM

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Hyperspace Fool wrote:

I have had some rather extreme false awakening dreams... realer than real.

We had these too, scary they was! It started like this:

After about 21 days of hermit syndrome lock-ins and fasting, our non-humanoid friends & neighbours, (then: 4 magpies, 47 rooks, 8 crows and 16 jackdaws and a bunch of sparrows) started to break loose a riot , hacking into our dreams and mindset. Saying: Dude, stop it. You are starving us too! So we thought: "Go catch a cricket or earth worm, don't rely on intezam alone"(..hitting: send..). But finally their agony, agitation and persitance terror, made us take the flycycle journey into the next Børg dispensery. With their sample wish list kept in mind, of course. So when we returned, we did so with some stuff for ourselves too. We had a hefty meal with pasta & spinach, followed by some apricot juice and we was sooooo stuffed after that meal, that we was worried that we could actually expire from breaking a fast like that.....but then we passed out (slightly raised heart rate).

Now here it comes:
we did not sleep for very long, but it was pretty dense, deep sleep, when suddenly something hot rose up from our stomach - like a volcano, up the oesophagal tube. Inmediatly we was alarmed and (...we think) wide awake. We realized (within fractions of secs) that lying on our back as we did, we could possibly choke on it and perish (a number of gone thus came to mind). Now, intezam ain't a tidy person, but for some reason, we did not want to purge into our beddings (or beside it) so we jumped up with a touch of haughty pride in "having detected it on time" and jumping out of the bed Surprised , running towards the bathroom. However, to our utter dismay, we realized, that in additon to puking, we was also having a stroalk and we fell like a rock Shocked , unable to move our eyeballs, staring at the crack beneath our main entrance door. There was some thoughts of regret, and then....we died. Then we was in that strange place, but we do not remember much of it, because of what happened next: We woke up in our bed again and none of that ever happened, the pasta and apricot juice still being in our stomach. And we wondered how this was even possible. It was as if something pressed the cosmic rewind button....and here we are. Are we ??????

During a difficult acacia/rue session during last supermoon, the righteous dΕ«raoΕ‘a (entity) was using this (memory of the) event against us, saying, that if we'd get up now, that (the stroalk) is what would happen. But we said, Dude! Stop messing around with we! There ain't apricot juice or pasta here today. It's not the same Thumbs down ....and we made a run to the bathroom -- nothing happened.

#11 Posted : 9/9/2014 4:32:28 AM

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That was the most entertaining post I have ever read on the Nexus.

I'm serious. I nominate Post #10 for post of the year.

I laughed with you and enjoyed the whole story! It's like reading about a wacky, parallel dimension with magpies and apricot juice.

I am glad that you are back home without apricot juice this time... or are you? Maybe you died and we are all hacking into your dream. Pleased

You are a very entertaining writer.

Love and light. Smile
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