Spanishfly wrote:
Just shows what tough blighters cacti are, Nathaniel, that they can stand such callous abuse. This is treating them totally unnaturally, in the Mexican desert they enjoy light all year round, it ripens the growth from the previous season, and brings latent flower buds into readiness for the next season. Good light all year round is highly recommended by all cognoscenti of cactus cultivation.
San Pedro does not grow in the Mexican desert
Perhaps my methods are a bit extreme but that's how I learned to make my plants go dormant. I had several problems with etiolation and this helped stop it. Also I have read that the cold is what is really important for dormancy as well as to stop watering. It is possible that they would etiolate if I put them by the window and they warmed up. Maybe this year I will try keeping them in the light after they go to sleep. I'll report back if they etiolate
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