This subject fascinates me so much, and I love discussing these things! I disagree with
anyone who claims that it's not important to understand our true selves.
I used to
strongly believe that objective truth was impossible. That "nobody knows the answer", and that "every potential answer was equally valid". But the more I learn, the more it's revealed to just be a comforting belief held by confused, amnesiac spirits who want to resolve their confusion by saying "Oh well, nobody knows". It's a nice little popular mantra/soundbite, and I used to cling to it myself just so that I wouldn't have to face my own confusion.
But the fact is that
some people
do know, and I can demonstrate it to you now. I have finally learned that
personal ignorance of the truth
doesn't mean that "there is no truth". There are actually
plenty of objectively verifiable
truths. Here are just a few examples:
One. We live within a physically measurable world, where we can
objectively do repeatable, scientific experiments. If someone claims that "atoms are just like... your opinion maaaan", we can simply take out a microscope and
show them the atoms. The physical aspects of the world
are an objectively verifiable truth. Whatever the world is made out of (whether it's physical or metaphysical doesn't matter), it demonstrates
consistent physical properties and laws. In other words,
objective truths.
Two. There are millions upon millions upon millions of people throughout history (estimated 9 million in the U.S. alone right now) who have had near-death experiences and out-of-body experiences; and those experiences have been scientifically verified and peer-reviewed, and are
objectively reproducible. Those people were able to tell doctors exactly what was happening inside the operation room (and outside the room) at times when the patient had entered complete physical death and had zero electrical activity in the brain and brain stem. Physical brain death, in other words, is
no hindrance for consciousness and instead simply makes the person's consciousness travel out of the body, since its connection to the physical body has been broken.
To attempt to
objectively figure out
exactly how that soul-to-body link/connection works, scientists have
successfully irradiated human brains with electricity, and by doing so they managed to create an electrical storm of activity in the physical brain which disrupted *all* functioning and was equivalent to not having a brain at all. And at that moment, the test subjects consciousness all left their physical bodies. This experiment has been repeated in hundreds of patients and works 100% of the time on
any human.
Combine it with the fact that millions upon millions of people have had "the even more impossible state" of complete brain-death and
still had conscious experiences
despite having a completely shut-down physical brain, and we see that a
very good picture of the
objective truth emerges: What we can
objectively say about death thanks to extensive scientific research combined with millennia of consistently reported spiritual experiences, is that consciousness exists
outside of the physical body and is simply linked-up to it in some way.
The best theory right now with a
huge amount of
extremely strong evidence for it, is that it is an electricity-based link, where the astral body/consciousness is hooked up to the physical body by receiving the electrical signals from its brain (thus receiving its physical senses like sight/hearing/touch/smell, basically allowing your soul to immerse itself in its host-body in 1st-person perspective), and then sending out electrical signals to the body-vehicle's brain to stimulate the neural pathways to cause the limbs to move (thereby controlling and piloting the immersive body-vehicle). This is not some idle speculation or bullshit; it is a scientifically repeatable, objective, peer-reviewed experiment which works on
every human being on the planet, and the best theory is therefore that the physical body is linked up via an electrical link. During death, the brain is starved of oxygen until all electrical activity ceases, and with the electrical link broken the astral body then simply leaves the physical body, and your consciousness carries on and travels through a tunnel towards a white light.
This isn't even a controversial statement anymore, to anyone who has followed the decades of research. It has been well-documented that people are having
actual out-of-body experiences that are 100%
impossible if consciousness "was truly just a byproduct of the physical brain". Read Pim van Lommel's research, where 344 patients performed incredible,
verified feats while their physical bodies were dead. It has been well-revealed by now that the materialistic world view is nothing more than complete bullshit, and has never produced
any evidence to back up its claims. On the spiritual side, there's
more than evidence: There are scientifically repeatable experiments that can be carried out on
any human being (even you!) to dislodge their astral body from the physical body, and which
consistently reveal an objective truth about ourselves and our souls: Your physical body is
nothing more than a temporary vehicle for your soul... it is nothing more than a spaceship which you use for exploring this world.
If you want to catch up to the frontier in consciousness-science, you can explore the research here. I suggest that everybody drop their preconceived notions and read *all* of Pim Van Lommel's research
without a dismissive and willfully inhibited mind. I used to be a "Skeptic" in the past, and I know how difficult it is to open your mind to anything that contradicts your own imagined world view, but just read all of the material and you will quite literally have your mind blown (if you're able to
understand the gravity and implications of his extremely well-formulated, extensive and thorough research). This is not a man who jumped to conclusions; this is a scientist who explored
all other alternatives first, before his 25 years of research into the spirit world forced him to conclude that he had been wrong about the "material" world all his life. Ten hospitals were involved in the research, and 344 patients:
Read this one first: ---> (original paper describing the study in detail)
Three. When we take big breakthrough doses of DMT, we all get the objective sensation of actually travelling to another realm. What we see there
varies depending on what realm we travel to, but people who ended up going to the
same realm will have
objectively true, matching experiences. You can take 100 people who have never done psychedelics in their lives, and give them all DMT, and then ask them what they saw. You will then get an objective picture with massive overlap among all 100 totally independent experiences. In other words, you will have
objective truth.
only place where people's experiences will differ is
solely in their
individual interpretation of the
objective truth they saw. For example, a Hindu scholar took DMT and saw worlds that contradicted all of his beliefs in numerous strange gods and karma. His conclusion? "It must
just be karmic hallucinations by the Gods to challenge my faith in Hinduism", and he brushed away the whole experience and thanked Krishna for allowing him to survive and "understand" what had "really" happened. The same thing goes for people who are
convinced that they saw "Jesus Christ" or "Mohammed" or "Buddha" or other religious figures on their DMT, OOBE or NDE spirit travels.
Basically, the
core experience of leaving the body and visiting another realm and seeing an
objective, consistent realm is the universal part, and the differences in beliefs and conclusions
only arise when those
objective truths pass through the
subjective belief-systems of the test subjects.
Take for example Terrence McKenna: He saw "self-dribbling basketballs spitting out language and forming words into solid objects", and since he was a linguist he instantly
interpreted it as "the entire world is made out of language". That was
nothing more than
his own
subjective and
unproven interpretation ( "world=language" ) of an
objective experience (seeing words materialize into objects). The fact is that people see
all kinds of things materialize inside the spirit realms, since creation is so easy there; they see songs and colors and thoughts all materialize into solid objects. But since Terrence McKenna was so dead-set on his personal fascination with language, he
instantly jumped to an (almost guaranteed to be 100% wrong)
subjective interpretation. Just like the Hindu scholar, he was
yet another victim of filtering objective truths through his own subjective beliefs. Ask a musician, and they may instead observe how music materializes into objects, and proclaim that "All the world is made out of song!".
Viewing the truth is not the same as
understanding the truth. People all filter the objectively true experience and then make pieces of it fit into their existing world view, instead of simply accepting the
whole experience at face value: "
All forms of creativity is creation". And
that subjective filtering is exactly why we have so many strange and wildly differing beliefs in this world, even on this forum; most of which are
just wishful thinking and are actually
objectively wrong. But we are in good company; Terrence McKenna and Hindu scholars and countless other intelligent people
all make
the same mistake, since it's so compelling to instantly try to explain your experiences using your own pre-existing belief systems.
Some of their theories are very comforting to people and therefore spread like wildfire, but it does not make them true.
Four. Thanks to astral travel (whether drug-assisted or natural), we know that the
only thing we carry with us between worlds is our consciousness. And our consciousness is our "mind"; meaning, the ability to think and reason and experience things from the perspective of a mind.
Now, if we for a moment accept that everything that has been said here is true, and that we are
all incarnated spirits (consciousness), then that means that Paris Hilton's truly braindead consciousness
came from the spirit world too. It means that Kim Kardashian's total air-head came from the spirit world too.
What does that tell you about the spirit world? It tells you that spirits come in all colors, ranging from the Paris Hiltons to the Einsteins to the Demigods. This might sound controversial and elitist to some people's politically-correct beliefs, because it implies that we are
not "all the same".
But think about it? A
very large number of us have had
countless experiences of going into the spirit realms using DMT, and meeting some low-IQ trickster-spirit who radiates a slight, playful malice and ignorance, and who will mess around with us and mislead us.
And what happens on
some of those experiences? A
much more powerful, purer spirit enters the room and slaps the hell out of that lower spirit, crushes it, and punishes it for its transgression. In other words, the
objective experiences of
spirit-hierarchy that
a lot of us have on our travels actually
directly confirms the very
logical conclusion that spirits come in all forms, and range from Britney Spears to Isaac Newton to Demigods... regardless of whether those spirits are currently incarnated on Earth, or whether they remain in the spirit world.
You can sense the same thing in this world; some incarnated Humans just radiate a certain awe-inspiring "something" which is difficult to put into words... Consider for a moment that it might perhaps be the sign of a higher soul among us.
It's definitely a very uncomfortable thought and it brings up images of non-humble elitists; and it makes me worry about my own spiritual development, and whether I will be able to rise in the ranks. But just because we
wish that such a hierarchical arrangement was false,
doesn't make it false. All of the accumulated evidence points us to its existence. Heck, even
Earth itself arranges itself hierarchically, with alpha-spirits taking charge.
I don't know how the spiritual hierarchy works, and like I said its existence actually worries me quite a bit since I don't know whether I can grow and progress within it. But
my personal wishes don't matter. All that matters is that the
objective experiences in all religions and all spirit travel and all mystical revelations point us in the same direction: There is actually a hierarchy. There may even be one "God" at the top of it all. Such thoughts are scary, but we have to embrace their possibility if we want to reach the objective truth, rather than merely inhibiting ourselves into our own personal wishful, comforting beliefs.
Uncomfortable or not; the truth matters more than feelings.
Five. To take it one step further: It is well established that the reason that our individual interpretations and beliefs vary wildly, and why we are all convinced about our own subjective interpretations,
isn't because "all is permitted and all is possible", but simply because
we misinterpret and subjectively filter every experience we have and only take from it what we
wanted to see, and ignore everything else. Humans do this all the time. It has a scientific name and is called
Confirmation Bias; the tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's beliefs or hypotheses. People display this bias when they gather or remember information selectively, or when they interpret it in a biased way. The effect is stronger for emotionally charged issues and for deeply entrenched beliefs.
But here's the amazing conclusion from that: Since humans
are spirits, that means that
spirits also do this all the time. So, not only are humans guilty of misleading themselves, but the
spirits that we speak to in the spirit realms may
themselves be guilty of it. We have plenty of reason to believe that many spirits have no clue what they are talking about, and are either unwittingly, or willfully telling us lies and half-truths in order to confuse us. Those lower spirits are sometimes punished for that by higher spirits, as we have seen. But often, their misleading is allowed to carry on for unknown reasons.
And that leads me to the final conclusion about the spirit world: The non-incarnated spirits remaining in the spirit world are just as
playful and trickster-like as the spirits that are playing the game of being human. We all love pranks. We all love to tease and prod each other. Now imagine how much fun it would be to speak to a Human and tell that human that he is "The" God and then observe how he reacts to such a lie/half-truth.
I would estimate that the ratio between truths and lies/half-truths emanating from the spirit world is about 50-50%. But the most amazing thing about all of it is this:
By lying to us, the spirits actually
jog our creativity and
force us to consider new possibilities. This leads to personal growth, regardless of whether what they said was true or not. It also adds to creating a more varied and immersive world, where people walk around in confusion about the constant contradictions and the
illusion of
seemingly endless possibilities. Unfortunately it also muddies the waters around what the
real, objective truth is. The best thing we can do is therefore
not to listen to the spirits or
what they decide to show us, but to instead raise our eyes to
observe their own spirit-behaviors and worlds and the
results of their actions, to figure out what is going on behind
their scenes, as I have just done here. That is how we can finally begin to understand
their motives.
After hundreds of thousands of years of incarnation, we have only ever seen our "prophets" disseminating misleading "truths" that are
always mixed with countless lies and half-truths in a seeming 70-30% ratio; 70% lies/half-lies/extrapolation/wishful thinking by the prophets themselves, and 30% truths... thus simply muddying the waters even more; and this muddiness exists for
any given field and any given religion or teaching in the world. These "prophets" are all completely convinced by their personal interpretations and experiences in the spirit-world, and yet time and time again we see that each and every one of them are
deeply flawed and misguided.
It has therefore become
very clear by now that the
overall goal of the spirits is
not to
ever tell humanity the
whole objective truth. It is also clear that most of the spirits may not even have a single freaking clue about it. Above all, it is clear that "re-awakening"
doesn't matter and
isn't a goal of life/incarnation.
Don't rely too much on the spirit world and its inhabitants. Take the words of the spirits with a huge grain of salt and don't get wrapped up in their games, since you don't know which type of spirit you are speaking to or what its motives are. Remember that
you are a spirit too, and that
you came here for a reason. When you find it, you will remember what it is. Dare to listen to your inner voice. Follow your
heart and your
passion and
do something with your
life instead.
The clearly revealed goal of the spirits throughout history is simply to be our
playful but passive guides, gently helping us
incarnated spirits find the road towards our life's destiny. You know... the actual
reason that we incarnated here into this world in the first place?!
that is what truly matters in life. That is why we are here. And it is up to
you to walk that road when it is finally revealed to you. The spirits can only show you the road and help guide you back towards it if you've ever strayed too far; but they
cannot walk it
for you. That is
your own journey.
Dare to throw yourself headfirst out into our great, big, beautiful world and experience
the life that you
came here for in the first place!
Everything else is secondary.
Love and light.