Hey guys, this is my first post on nexus, so first of all i would like to thank everyone for the great work, keep it up
I've read a lot about sacred plants, their effects and chemistry, and i find them really fascinating, but i think they don't really like me at all.
I'm quite new to psychedelics and i obviously understand that some confidence is required to fully enjoy this world... But, by now i've been 1 year expirementating whitout achieving a proper trip.
I tried LSD (started whit half up to 2 blotters, always got amphetamine like effects) salvia (0,15 x30 extract - slight visual distorsion), salvia leaves (chewed 20g - nothing) truffles (golden teacher 20g - introspective booze) and amanita (don't remmeber how much but just made me sick), at least salvia made the world breath as a huge lung but the effect lasted only few seconds. Was a nice visual distorsion, but i was completely aware of myself, time and space... not really mindblowing. I always did everything right whit A grade medications, reading almost every avaible info before taking my chances.
Recently i even swallowed 100 seeds of datura stramonium after chewing thoroughly, and even though they were deep black mature seeds whit a distincly bitter taste i had only minor physical effects: cottonmouth, slight lost of coordination and sedation, like smoking a joint plus urinary retention (yeah i know stramonium is dangerous and not recreational bla bla bla).
Recommended starters doses are really psychoactive for someone or they works thanks to placebo effect? So could my problem be only psychological (too much self control)? Or innate tolerance plays that a big role?
In few words i can handle bigger doses
whitout killing myself or it just mean that pshichedelic threshold is dangerously near overdosage for me? I guess that physical and psychological tolerance doesn't necessary come togheter...
Now i'm gonna try ayahuasca and i'm wondering what could be a heavy but still handable dose. I was thinking about 5g syrian rue 10 chali 15 psychotria for each dose (bought from maya). What can i do to reduce the physical effect of big amounts of medicine, enhancing visuals? Any helpfull admixture? I guess smoking cannabis helps but i'm a bit concerned about imparing my short term memory before tripping.
What's the difference between capsulating rue or doing a tea?
Reducing the brew make everything more difficult to hold in your stomach? Does it harm the potency? Does puking harm the potency?
Sry for the probably dumb questions but as i said i'm a newbie, i know that many info i need can be found already on the forum but there are so many conflicting topics that i'm pretty lost...
And sorry for the bad grammar!
P.S. I don't know if i'm posting in the right section