http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih....pmc/articles/PMC3330526/ This article was well written. It Touches on transpersonal consciousness vs. psychosis. Terence McKenna lectured about the shaman as a schizo that is in control, opposed to one that is not.
I think that reviews such as the link above are huge steps towards not only the research of psychedelics to heal our psychotic mass consciousness. As well as the hope schizophrenics may be seen as a different type of individual than a typically developing adult with psychosis.
I know there are people that see the schizophrenic as one that is able to talk to spirits, shamans take them and Channel the energy for their purpose as a conduit between the spirit and matter. Now we have psychologists thinking about the same concept!
Much better than some of the gruesome methods that have been used in the past.
I know how hard it is to have a loved one enter your life, or you enter theirs, and be very different from what you expected. Humans have spectrums just like light and sound. We must treat them as such, humans that are on a different spectrum. We all think, see, and listen differently. This must be honored and appreciated. I think that the first thing that should be done with those who's consciousness are not in line with the loved ones in your life is, Learn To Speak Their Language. From their the whole paradigm of mental health/education/society will change.
who? who.