I'm still a pretty novice smoker, actually an ugly novice smoker rofl, but I would say if you put enough in your machine you would get some active vapour before you burnt anything. Unless you're using next to nothing it'd be pretty hard to instantly kill it all.
I suppose I've been overdosing and burning too much idrk, nausea would suggest I perhaps have, but I've been working with nice little pools of syrup. Starting small, I'm not bothered about wasting any at this point. What I am bothered about is getting results both in using technique and the getting the effects of using. Had I done it more efficiently I might not be most way through my 3rd extraction, so everything combined, waste, positive effects, loss, gain and effort.... I'm happy with the journey and you should be too simply cos you're putting that effort in. It'll pay off in time, pay off better for both of us. I'll perfect my methods a bit more and you'll get better stock assuming that's definitely the problem.
It's certainly not fair for me to second guess your extraction method lol, if a dummy like me can do it and you say you're no stranger to a bit of chemistry then what could you have done wrong prior to smoking. The process is simple enough to be a 'can't go wrong' kinda deal. It's better to get a bum deal on your stock than mess it up yourself
But certainly, if your stuff has dmt in it, you should imo at least match my first trip, if I can call it that, cos I felt like I was getting next to nothing into me. I smoked very little at first. I can't weigh accurately to less than 0.1g. I wasn't looking for "in at the deepend" anyway. I like to gauge what's going on with new things especially like dmt.
I vaped in a glass jar over a tea light and had embelished colour effects, slow rippling and gently breathing surfaces which developed a kind of PCB patterning, you know like the circuitry of a printed circuit board. Certainly very mild stuff and I didn't really feel anything physically, as I remember, so I guess that time I had lowest dose possible. I can't comment on your smoke method as I've neither done it nor read enough about it to remember facts correctly, but I've had best success with the dreaded foil and bottle. A guy does what he can lol. but it's handy for me cos I can see what the goo is doing... well until the bottom of the bottle starts looking like a kaleidascope
What does your raw goo smell like? For me the "new shoe" smell fits pretty well. see what I did there? New shoes made of cheap plastic and lashings of fresh glue. A kinda thick and heavy smell.
be safe, well and lucky in your endeavours
Eckhart saw Hell too. He said: "The only thing that burns in Hell is the part of you that won't let go of life, your memories, your attachments. They burn them all away. But they're not punishing you", he said. "They're freeing your soul. So, if you're frightened of dying and... you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. But if you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the earth."