Wow! It has been some time since I last visited the nexus..
Everyone is here to learn their own lessons. I have found that the most effective way to share is only to live it. We are not responsible for anyone but ourselves. Anyone that is here to learn or spread the feeling will find us or whomever will best be able to help guide them. Those of us that can see it, feel it, must lead by example. Personally, I have found written and spoken words to be a very shallow means of conveying it. It takes so many of them just to describe the most basic parts of the foundation of the structure of the understanding of it. We do not all even use the same ones to identify the same idea. Our experience with the very same situations are not the same. For example: Two people are at identical passes. (the true acceptance of the mortality of our vessels here for instance. we all KNOW we are going to "die" but not everyone UNDERSTANDS our movement away from the body and towards source[knowledge and understanding are two entirely different creatures]) To one, it is an obstacle. Something that arouses emotions that may be negative for them. Something that must be overcome to move forward. They do not know how to handle it. They must learn how conquer their fears related to the situation. To another, it could be a challenge, another visit to familiar ground within the cyclic nature of it all. Another related lesson to learn. It doesn't all come at once. We re-visit the same "places"/ideas a great many times. Although the medium/material/concept/(whatever analogy you would like make here) is the same, we are equipped with better tools/understanding to shape our creation/reality/knowledge with.
Once I backed away from trying to spread the idea (read: trying to force the concept on others) I found that individuals on the same path would start popping up and asking questions and sharing their own insights with me. It is a deeply satisfying feeling. It is easy to want to share this horrifyingly beautiful thing with absolutely everyone. It's even easier to feel like we are doing the right thing by spreading it as far and wide as we can, even if someone doesn't want to hear it. We didn't all get here from the same place and we are not all heading the same direction.
Babalon and TheBridge,
The most relevant way I can think of to reply to you is to share this concept that I currently subscribe to. I am sorry it took almost two years to give you some sort of reply!
I feel that "time" is the construct through with we experience space. I believe it was built for us to explore. By whom, I do not claim to know. Maybe it was source/god/creator. Maybe it was us (our higher selves). Maybe we really do live in the matrix and Keanu Reeves really is here to save us all!! Anyway, I will attempt to build a verbal image for you.
If you are reading this, you are likely to sitting somewhere that is stationary such as inside your home. That is the opening image I wish to conjure. You have the sensation/perception that you are not moving and more than just your eyes to read the screen, your finger to scroll the screen down. Maybe your arm to reach for a snack or beverage that may be nearby. In essence, sitting still in space, as a statue or tree may be considered. Without changing the context lets move the frame of reference away from our subject. You are on earth which is spinning on it's axis, which is orbiting around our beautiful and life sustaining star, which is also revolving around the force it answers to, which is hurtling through "space". With each step, how much did the relative speed of the matter from which we are composed increase? All of our molecules, our proteins, our building blocks, us are moving at an unbelievably phenomenal rate. Our trajectory is our reality. The different realities are different trajectories within "space". Even a single atoms difference in trajectory is a different reality. To get where we are from where we "were" we had to travel in a line. A timeline. Imagining "space" in three dimensions (x,y,z) we can trace that timeline. It brings to me the image of a cube with a random line drawn through the center. Straight, curved, looping, whatever.
Being separate and unique beings, we obviously don't inhabit the very same area of space at the same time as anything else. We are traveling on a different timeline in the same vicinity one another and experiencing separation. At source, in singularity, all things that ever were and ever will be, all possibilities that could or could not be feasible exist as a single point in "space". They all have and are happening at once. I have been putting quotations around the word space because my point is that we are source. We are creator experiencing itself. We are all of the aspects of what could ever be pulled apart and examining each other. Examining ourselves. Learning what we are, which is everything, which is source/creator/god. That statement may read like a redundancy or double negative but it makes sense to me. Moving to the original point; in order for all of us to be separate from our surroundings and each other, all of existence cannot inhabit a single point. Something has to keep our building blocks apart from each other. To me, that is time. I personally use the same imagery as I described above only this moment, the cube is time. Within this cube are points in space. The specific arrangements of atoms and particles and molecules that make up our realities. Time doesn't necessarily move in a forward motion. Our experience is moving forward through time. The line drawn in the center of this cube is now molecular arrangements. To me, that includes the chemical reactions creating our thoughts and perceptions of what reality we are currently experiencing. These "lines of experience" can be parallel (parallel realities where you took that job in another state or ended up with that one person that got away), intersecting (in my opinion, these are deja vu moments. one feels as if they have already experienced it because they are experiencing the same moment as another "version" of themselves and can sense it but cant tell when or why because it HAD to be an experience from a different time, right? didn't it already happen in the past? the two different experiences leading up to the same moment will lead to different reactions in that moment, at which point the lines separate again.) Somehow we can tune in to and experience these other realities. We can only do so for so long and we can bring nothing but knowledge back from them because we are anchored in our current vessels traveling the timeline/realty we have built. For now.
A question/proposition from me: I want to open this by saying I have an admittedly small knowledge of atoms and their physics. If any of what I'm about to say is scientifically known to be untrue, please educate me. To my knowledge, atoms are the smallest known "stand alone" (for lack of better descriptive) building blocks of our physical reality. They exist inside of the electron cloud. These electrons travel around the atom. I have heard them described as "blinking" in and out of existence and have never been positively imaged. If this is true, could it be possible that rather than electrons being dedicated to their respective atomic structures, they act as somewhat of a "fluid" or medium through which atoms travel? It is a continuation of the spinning/orbiting/revolving comments.