my working hypothesis is that there *inextricably*
is one, in all cases of "HPPD" occurring, and it
occurs in quotes here because I believe it to be
poorly understood at best, especially by it's sufferers;
i base this on my personal in depth experiences with
a schizophrenic man, his own musings regarding DMT,
and my theory that basically any drug, but especially
the DMT containing/mimicking ones, esp; structurally; i.e.,
lsd, mushrooms, etc,/
are capable of either 'cracking' the pineal gland during operation...
...or perhaps even activating it's use o_0
interested to see if you think i'm onto a thing here;
i seem to experience welcome waking after-hallucinations post-DMT time,
which coincide shall we can to 'relevant guiding information'
that i would imagine i might receive at the time if i had had
a meditative perspective on the matter.
and fwiw, i very regularly seem to taste DMT during these experiences, literally,
and they do not have any proximity to my actual DMT experiences whatsoever.
i think a lot of people just don't understand how to deal with 'the other side' once that gate opens up... and its very easy to open, as we know; physically, that is... but perhaps, mentally; not so easy to close?
thank you for listening <3 ^_^
interested in hearing any thoughts on the matter. and fwiw;
no, i do not believe i am suffering from HPPD, just to
clarify for anyone who might think this writing even slightly suggests that.
fond regards ^_^
love mikey <3