You DIDN'T kill the thread!
Not at all!
I just suddenly got access to thing I didn't know about and was, as is typical of me, rather distracted. Also I have been thinking about stuff you said...
First off none of it that I can see is negative. None at all.
People on the east coast, and a lot of other places fall into the usual categories, and some of them are quite amazing, some are not, and some are to be avoided at all costs.
I dont know where you have been but the broken glass as you put it is melting in the north, they are figuring out how to live better, the changes I have seen just in small racist industrial hell holes around Boston are staggering, they have actually learned, and are now beginning to teach. These are places where when I was young I couldn't go, now I can without hesitation and what I see where there was once trash are trees and where I used to hear racial epithets I now hear "Hello!" and its genuinely cheerful. THIS is a very very good thing AND I think its contagious! I think the evil will lose.
Nature on the other hand is in serious trouble, but that is global, on the east coast things may be improving in one place but they are still killing whol mountains, and dumping their corpses into rivers and streams killing everything below...... and theres more, but I think it will be stopped, at least I hope I think so.
Internal combustion is a disaster of global proportions, it's simply bad, partly because we are bad at it and partly because of its inherent nature, it makes smog.
My boat had a diesel engine, it now is 100% wind and solar, it turns out that its easy to do, almost totally silent and smells like.... nothing at all!
The Ocean HAS done me well, its given me time and a place to think, or in some cases not think which can be just as good. Its also gotten me healthy, mentally and physically.
I want to know about what you are talking about when you say you know me from a loooooong time ago, I know what you mean in the obvious sense, and reading what you say I have the same feeling, but this is one of those things that has eluded me. HOW is it that this feeling happens and why? It's one of the things that I am waiting for a Buddhist or Hindu to just pop out and explain one day in nice plain language while providing an example.
Oddly when I saw your icon I sort of knew what was about to happen and that I was going to read something interesting, your name reinforced that. I know what it is, and what it means, and its a fascinating concept. I also have a good idea of what infinity is, its bloody huge and I want, for some reason, to see all of it!
Its wonderful to meet you Ouroboros, especially if its happened before!
One last thing:
Heres proof that you didn't kill this thread:
That video is now stuck in my head.
(-_-) {I do not know what I am doing, but I am doing it anyway)