If I'm not mistaken, PC pachanoi often contains no mescaline at all. And when it does contain mescaline, it is not nearly enough to feel effects from a small cutting. Something like 10-15 feet of cactus might produce a good dose of mescaline...
The alkaloid content of T. peruvianus can vary pretty significantly as well. For the most part, I tend to stick to T. bridgessi and L. williamsii as sources of mescaline. These two species seem to be more consistent and reliable as far as alkaloid content, compared to other common mescaline-producing cacti.[/quote]
I went the same day i got the pachanoi ..to another cactus seller and I was only looking for the [Trichocereus ] species..
After looking everywhere for nearly an hour.. i found some cacti hidden in far corner of the place..that tasted very bitter and looked like medium sized tricos ive triped on before...
Naturaly i wasnt going to ask her if these cacti had mescaline in them ..instead I simply asked the price?
She answered saying ..[they were tricos.. and their not for sale]?!!
I suspect she was saving them for someone!!
Well i looked up all the cactus stores on line and i counted20 25 stores mostly in one city..
So this hunt for good active cacti is getting fun!
..Ill keep looking..
Still havent tryed my pachanoi yet...