The Brain wanted to see if he could use MeOH as a good solvent. So he decided to try it out.
1. A solution of NaOH(sodium hydroxide) in methanol was prepared- MeOH.
2. A little over 80 grams(dry weight) of cactus powder was ground into a fine powder using a coffee grinder.
3. The powder was then soaked in MeOH.
4. The mixture was filtered and the filtrate was stored.
5. The cactus powder was extracted another 4 times with fresh methanol.
6. The combined methanol extracts were reduced(boiled down) in a stainless steel pot using a small electric stove.
7. The reduced methanol extract was then acidified using 34% hydrochloric acid.
8. After acidification, the mixture was put in an evaporation dish. The dish was heated to dry off most of the moisture and then it was allowed to air dry for a while.
9. The residue was still a little wet when it was washed with anhydrous acetone.
10. After the acetone wash the material was partially redissolved and put back in the heated evaporating dish to fully evaporate.
OK. So now that the extraction is out of the way...administration.
Pinky decided that, because of the low starting weight of the source material, he would try the intrarectal ROA. He was going to do an enema, but instead Pinky decided that he will administer using a Murphy drip. Pinky will make sure to update this post later with a bioassay.
All of my posts are Pinky and The Brain fan fiction.