soulfood wrote:I'd take the term 'MDMA-like' in reference to mescaline very loosely as beyond the fact they can both cause stimulation and euphoria, that's about as strong as the similarities go.
I find mescaline to be lacking the strong empathy mechanism of MDMA. With MDMA I have a higher regard for others, but mescaline has the effect of elevating myself.
Even at higher doses of mescaline I am fully able to go grocery shopping if I want without seeming out of place. MDMA makes you look ill on the surface and temporarily impairs you cognitively. Mescaline has almost the opposite effect. Thinking is super-power'd and physical coordination is improved up until near breakthrough doses where things start to become a little disorientating.
There are many levels I can feel with mescaline below the psychedelic dose. MDMA has much less variation.
It never ceases to impress me how the same substance can cause such different effects on different people;
To me, a sub-psychedelic dose of mescaline (what was tried was 300mg; no tracers, I kid you not - but it's normal, I seem to need bigger amounts of pretty much everything) is very much like MDMA, except it lasts longer and mostly doesn't come in waves. And no hangover. And causes insomnia like LSD (if I take MDMA at 4PM, I'll be able to sleep; if I take LSD/Mescaline at 10AM, I won't sleep til 5AM).
Though I was alone on my one sub-psychedelic dose of mescaline, my very first thought upon emerging from the debilitating nausea/weakness was 'wow.. if I knew it would be like this, I would have invited a good friend over'. I was feeling really empathetic. Having no one else there, the cat took the brunt of it.. didn't seem too bothered
MDMA doesn't make me look ill on the surface - at least I have never noticed it and nobody offered comment on that - and besides sometimes making all internal chatter go away (interesting point: even though temporarily I can't verbalize internally anymore, in my last experience I found that writing still works, and it describes exactly that which I cannot at the moment think about - I just feel it and the words feel right - weird, huh?), it doesn't feel impairing (whether it actually is, is a different question
I've had no issue with physical coordination with either substance; but I would also not be able to mask being altered while on either drug (the wide open, fully black eyes (pupil) occur on both, I think that's a dead giveaway.. also, my voice softens with either lol, almost childlike. And I touch a lot. lol).
Completely agree on less variation with MDMA; In fact it is pretty much the same always, except the first time when it was ultra-magic (nowdays it's "just" mega-magic
), and when taken in way too high doses, which to me happened only once (around 250mg), and even though it was an ok experience, I have no desire to repeat that. Way too much stimulation. Have heard the same happens with Mescaline at a certain dose, but no experience with that personally. Not that I would like to.
I've had mescaline twice; This experience I mentioned at 300mg, that was empathogenic but not really psychedelic as we've come to appreciate the term; At just 30mg more (330mg), it was a whole different substance; Time slowed down to a crawl, music was beautiful, the sense of tranquility and 'all is well with the world' was not present, and things were beginning to wiggle just a little bit.
So, if 30mg can make the difference between empathy and time almost grinding to a halt, if this can be extrapolated to other people.. I would, if I were you, be very, very careful indeed about using it in a club. Make sure you have an idea of what to expect (try it out first!).
This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.