I used to have reoccurring trips which were a result of lustful thinking and having a subconscious mind highly influenced by pornography, the way i viewed sex, and the women i attracted in my life whom had slept with a fair few guys. As a result, i would experience these thought loops and get extremely frustrated, upset and angry at myself for the fact that i was having these experiences. It didn't help it, but only made it worse. But one needs to suffer until they realise they are the result of their own suffering. Try to observe your thoughts without attaching to them and having an opinion about if they're positive or negative, try and listen to the sounds going around you, observe the sound of a bird calling out, a car moving past, a plane flying over your head, the chatter of the old lady upstairs. Or focus on a smell, or a feeling, but just observe it. If it feels dense, don't go down that road, don't attach, just observe, if it feels light, and you feel like you're floating on a cloud, then you know that you're becoming present. Trust yourself… Know yourself… Look within, go within your mind… to transcend the mind you must know yourself… who are you, what works for you?
This helped me a lot - "You ask why, i ask why not" Examine that in an experience. Instead of saying "why is this happing to me, whats the point of all of this" Start saying "why not me, why should this be a negative experience, what is the difference between a positive and negative experience, why is it positive, why is it negative" You'll find at the start, you'll be asking questions and then you'll attach to the thought such as "Why is it positive" then you start thinking about it, until you loop, but try to think without attaching to that thought.
I hope this helped, its pretty much what everyone said, meditation, it helps, the what is, is what you are looking for, your experience is the most real thing there is, in this moment. The sounds, the sensations, the smells, the tastes, the sights… It is all there for you to experience, what is there to fear in that? Much love, remember bro, you will always learn from your experiences, then let them go