I also thought in the beginning the Lazyman tek would be easier than Nomans, but i found out, Noman is much more "sympathic" to me....
With the Nomans tek you only need more water than with lazymen, which makes the separation of the two layers much more easy. And as soon as you have the naphtha separated, put in a Pyrex Dish (not too much, because otherwise it won't precip. very good) and into the freezer with that for about 5-8 hours...
When i started this technique, i first had mostly super-yellowish spice... after learning and understanding the process of the precip. , i end up now with mostly pure white DMT from only the freeze-precip. No need to do an ammonia wash... senseless...
Anyway, if i were you, i'd start making changa! It makes ingestion so much easier... fill the bowl, rip, fly... come down, fill again, rip again, fly again
so easy and so enjoyable.
By the way: Dr. Plant, i sent you a PM
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