For the past few years I've been taking up an interest with Ancient Egypt (Kmt), Ive read/watched guys like Graham Hancock, John Anthony West, Robert Buvall, Manly P Hall, John Marco Allegro, Terence Mckenna etc. Different documentary/books about Alternative Ancient Egyptian History. At the same time I picked up in interest in psychedelics, shamanism, metaphysical ideas, philosophy, origins of religions etc. So after delving into this interesting pool for awile I had some ideas that I'd like to share.
In far east you have the Soma drink
North America you have peyote and san pedro
South America you have Ayauasca
In Aztec times you have mushrooms
Indian times you have Soma
Old Christian art dipicting the Amananita Muscaria
The Greek Elusinian Mystery's had the Kykeon
So my question is what was the psychedelics used by the peoples of Ancient Egypt?
There was a show called "SacredWeeds" they tried using the Egyptian Blue Water Lily. We see in Ancient Egyptian Art the depiction of the Blue Water Lily. Apparently there were effects from the flower, but not full-blown psychedelic states. I've read on here at this forum, that some people see Ancient Egyptian imagery/motifs/hieroglyphics on some psychedelics. My question is it produced by the altered state or is imagery that the person seen? Dose the look, design of Egyptian art come from these altered states?
Two other points I wanted to make was that its possible the Egyptians had psychedelic mushrooms, because the Nile was fertile plus they had Cows (I think they worshiped them). My thinking is why worship a slow, big, not smart animal that leaves giant shits
Unless it left you magic mushrooms on its turds. So because of that im inclined to think the Egyptians had access to psilocybin mushrooms.
My second point is the Ancient Egyptian "Tree of Life" aka Acacia Nilotica (sp) It seams to me that Ancient Egypt were good at chemistry check out the names below..
Kmt, Kemet, Alchemical, Alchecmy, Chemistry... I think the Egyptians would have had been able to extract DMT from certain plants. But I dont know for certain weather or not that plant has or was used for that.
I've also been reading the Psychedelic Book of the Dead by Timothy Leary,
The Tibetan & Egyptian Books of the Dead as well. I'm trying to see the commonalities between the three.
I'd really be interested in knowing what the Egyptian equivalent of the Elusinian Mystery's
is. A lot of Greeks went to Egypt to learn at the temples and mystery schools. The closest I got was the "Sed Festival.
Lastly I'm just trying to learn, so what are your thoughts on this? Is there anything I'm missing? Do you have any info you'd like to add? Did I make a mistake?
My goal is to pinpoint the psychedelic used (if any) by the Egyptians, and see if I can experience what they did.
I want to know what state of consciousness helps produce the Sphinx,Pyramids,temples,architecture,art,geometry, etc.
ps (Sorry if my post is all over the place) Writing is not my strength.
***Just be Nice to people***