I'm new to DMT. I even started a blog because I liked it so much and it made me look at things so differently. Once I've finished writing most of my first experiences I'll upload a link to it.
During my first 1st DMT journey I was in a strange place that seemed to have a 1950's "feel" to it. But it wasn't really a place. It was more like a white, open space. And there were swirling flows of particles everywhere. And each particle was a symbol or letter. They were not recognizable. I have drawn them. Soon I'll scan some of the drawings so everyone can see them. Maybe you've seen them.
I've drawn/sketched all kinds of things that I've seen on DMT.
One thing for sure. We are living in a simulation and DMT allows me to see the raw data of this simulation.
I've used all my .5g up and now I need to find, or make, some more.
I vaporize DMT in a Vapir NO2. It works great on a bed of previously vaped cannibis. I set it at 396 degrees Fahrenheit. When the light turns green I let it cook for one minute then inhale. The first inhalation sets things in motion, the second causes the tingling and perspective shift. I can usually take a third and fourth inhalation and that just sets me off into the happy void.
Many of my journeys have a sexual atmosphere. But there is no sexual visual content. It just has a sexual "vibe". I usually hear a voice saying, "I know what you need". And then I feel a really great feeling in my groin/anus/pelvic area.
Well that's enough for now.