I grew up Mormon: a stout believer that I was in sole possession of
"the way" I had often felt stable in secure in my beliefs of reality and spiritualism. Revelation or.. what is real and what is not, came from a top-down, structurally sound organization of well intention-ed men who believe there is something more than a life of suffering caused by a cold world of non-believers. I served a mission faithfully, and I was an extremely obedient child. I have never had any experienced with any mind-altering substances. I hadn't even been on a date until the age of 22.
Where Do I begin...
I have had a near-death experience on a couple different occasions. The bizarre nature and peculiar quality of these ephemeral tastes of infinity, at first, brought me an intense fear, yet a profound sense of clarity and unshakable peace I had never before witnessed: These experiences led me here, to the Dmt-nexus.
I had always been promised the ability to see visions, and revelations from a divine being, more specifically God. After literally --religiously-- exploring all of the reasons as to why these visions were not happening to me, I came to the conclusion that These visions and revelations are reserved for a
select few who KNOW, and it was my role to have faith in what
they know or have seen. This led me to a further exploration of the Mormon churches foundational legitimacy and its truth claims, I was stunned. My sincere desire to know the truth led me to Entheogens and a clear answer began to emerge, I CAN know.
Five minutes with The Spirit Molecule wiped away the collective religious Dogma I had believed in -without question- for 23 years.
The ramifications of this experience shook the very foundations of my life, family, and situation, but have ultimately brought with it a "Peace which passeth all understanding..", and most importantly back here, the present moment. I will be eternally grateful for all it has done, and continually does for me, and for the people who have dedicated their lives to pointing others beyond the fleeting nature of "me": the ego.
Thank you Nexians.
I have entered into hyperspace twice, both times I experienced an ego death. If anyone has questions about my religious awakening etc. feel free to ask, it was quite the story.. I may divulge it upon further inquiry. Without further ado, here is my essay and my first step into hyperspace, and ultimately the deep feeling-realization that forever changed my view and love of life,
On Death
A buzzing whirring, Not all too much different from the synthetic lull of an old Hollywood UFO touching down on earth began to engulf my entire being. Paying close attention to the noise I begin to notice it fly beyond the normal spectrum of conventional brainwave patterns, switching from alpha, beta, theta, delta and beyond. The Reticular Activating System of the brain checks reality about… every fifteen seconds.
DMT rendered this biological advantage useless. This new realization was quickly dwarfed by the flood of sense perceptions that began to pervade my short term memory, preventing “me” from holding onto the information for use at some future time. I began to count, to process the information being received by the brain, but immediately I was gripped by something which rendered this ability to remember 7 +/- 2 bits of information in short term memory capability useless. It was almost as if there was a cleaning company that was ready for me to arrive, and the instant I did they began to de-fragment my brain. This struck me as odd. Rather than an old man with a white beard. I saw a woman, very serene and beautiful, begin to rearrange all of the thoughts in my head, preventing me from escaping this present moment.
This was the end of “me”: the ego. Without time I noticed, the mind becomes still:
“I” formless no-thing-ness (the space that inhabits the deepest recesses of our molecular being. much like the space in between the words written on this computer screen)
, became aware of “this”: impermanent thought forms (The words which inhabit the space on the screen).
As my mind became free from thought I began to hear something/someone
scream (telepathically of course, there was no actual auditory stimuli present in my immediate external surroundings, or at least in THIS reality we --as a collective of the human race-- inhabit)
“WHAT THE F--- WERE YOU THINKING?!” This was shocking, and did not cease to increase in power and intensity. I saw a dark figure appear to my left. A little boy perhaps? He began to cower and shrink as if being shouted into a corner. The instant I looked to see what/who it was, I could only see the silhouette of him/it. It quickly hid behind me as if a child hiding behind it’s mother. The shouting continued: “What the hell were you thinking? Did you think you could just
use this? You have no idea what you’re dealing with.” I realized the force was mother nature (I could see her standing next to me, as I looked she stepped back into the wall, this was profound to say the least.) and she began to show me how much was she was doing to prolong the longevity of my physical and psychological form. I was
being breathed, “I could instantly stop this flow of energy to your body” communicated something placidly. “I could stop the beating of your heart” Said the voice stoically. My heart began to beat at a million miles per hour and an intense fear gripped my entire being "...Did I take too much?!” said a thought that enetered into the brain without permission. “I can end your thinking.” said the voice for the last time before being gripped by some unseen entity and forced to see myself be tortured and killed mercilessly.
Now.. Words --even the most flowery rendetions of syntax in grammar-- cannot describe the pain and anguish my physical form felt at this moment in time… let me attempt to communicate the grave nature of what I felt: Imagine every horror movie death you have seen in the history of your lifetime, multiplied exponentially --gory, gritty, painful, harsh, screaming agony-- Played, over, and over, and over and over and over, again, again, again, and again, folded slowly over itself, and played simultaneously. I even began screaming at one point, looked to my left to see my girlfriend and friend looking at me blankly. I had hallucinated screaming, what a relief haha. Fluid began to drain from my body, I looked down and a sword lay on my lap. I was being cut open by something. I could see the blood leave my hands, and could hear the liquid drain from my body and into a bucket below my physical form, this was shocking to say the least. My hands remained motionless in a Buddhist like pose, grounding me (In the only way I could physiologically) to the present. “Thank you” I muttered aloud to the force that was inflicting serious pain and suffering on my person. I could almost hear the words of Jesus Christ reverberate throughout my body “Not MY (impermanent “me” that comes and goes with time) will, but THY (formless consciousness, or the present moment) will be done.”
I felt the beat of my heart and gave it my complete and utter focus and attention. Instantly I realized I haven’t been taking the best care of my body. I realized that I could no longer use the spirit molecule to benefit
my means to an end. I must respect life, and nature, prior to allowing it to teach me it’s secrets. Mother nature was not yelling at me, but at my ‘pain-body’, the little boy. The real me, the “I Am” beyond the fleeting nature of name and form, was in strict observance to the proverbial a--kicking my ego was experiencing.
At the end of this fuel-filled adrenaline disnyland rollercoaster down the rabbit whole to hell and back, I stepped up, my body was on fire. No-mind, no thought: Complete, and utter observance of reality --the present moment-- without all of the additions the mind constantly adds to it. Beyond "
This was odd, the first time any physical object pointed me beyond its use to something else, more accurately, no-thing: empty space.
This trip into the infinite led me back to something I had read a year earlier but had never fully internalized.
"Death is not the opposite of life. Life has no opposite. The opposite of death is birth. Life is eternal."
Whenever you are immersed in compulsive thinking. You don't want to be where you are. Here, Now.
-Eckhart Tolle