Hey guys, I switched from cigarettes to e-cigs about two months ago. I can breath again!!!!
I've been lurking around today and noticed multiple questions about "the best vaporizer".
Really, I don't think you can beat in e-cig in terms of convenience. That is just my opinion however. I use Halo E-cigs, the Triton setup.
I'm used to the nastier chemicals, ones that you wouldn't want to suspend DMT in for smoking. I was thinking it'd be cool to find a liquid DMT could be suspended in and loaded into an E-Cig. This would bake dosing and blasting off so much easier, in my opinion.
Anyone know of something safe to suspend the DMT in for usage in one of these?
It's a 2.4ml tank. With the right fluid, you could likely load a lot of DMT in this beast!