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s mescaline worth trying? Options
#1 Posted : 6/26/2014 11:37:16 AM

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Since I began my first DMT extraction and mushroom grow, I've been looking into a lot of other entgeogens that I can "make" myself. Something that's still somewhat of a mystery to me is mescaline. I want to get some San Pedro and possibly so an extraction on it. Is it better to extract pure mescaline? Or is it better to brew the cacti? Is it a really visual experience or is it just like MDMA? I was thinking about making some for root wire transformative festival Smile

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#2 Posted : 6/26/2014 12:02:15 PM

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Well its a phenthylamine so it shares some characteristics with MDMA but I dodnt find it particularly stimulating but relaxing. Its a lovely experience very organic and peaceful I did get some visuals from 30g of peruvian torch taken powder raw.
Ive been told depending if you include the whites of the cacti the trip will be of a different character, with the white its more stimulating and adrenaline charged without more tranquilising iirc.
#3 Posted : 6/26/2014 12:45:19 PM

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Absolutely. At 300mg I found it very MDMA like (after 1h or so of feeling sedated with mild nausea / general weakness) and very healing. No hangover, and lasted a lot longer than MDMA too.

At 330mg there was very noticeable time distortion (slowing down) and was psychedelic (vs empathogenic).

The nausea is nothing compared to Ayahuasca, so if you can stomach that, I think you'll find an ally in Mescaline.
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#4 Posted : 6/26/2014 1:29:10 PM

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Are those dosages you posted with extracted mescaline or the cacti powder itself? I feel like with the extract the nausea is probably reduced a slight bit, but nausea is nothing new to me considering my past of opiate dependence Razz
#5 Posted : 6/26/2014 1:55:31 PM

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I'm a massive fan of mescaline - I consider it the King of Psychedelics. A single high dose of this stuff changed my life from being on a collision course with tragedy to a life on a significant upwards trajectory.

Cactus vs HCL is a good question. The first time I did it, I had peruvian torch. I ended up sticking it all in a blender with a smoothie and other bits (I intended to do 50g, but it was more like 80g in truth), and after necking two pints of the most god awful thing I've ever put in my mouth, I had probably the most introspective, profound, and transformative trip I'm ever likely to have. I've had some awesome trips, but this was my first ++++, and even those that have come since seem mediocre in what this trip did for me.

I've since attempted cactus a couple of times, but not reached that peak I had on that trip. Nowdays, I'm a bigger fan of HCL as its simply easier on the stomach, but again, even at large doses, I've been unable to replicate that first time. Most I've done on HCL is 800mg, and whilst it was quite the experience, it was hampered by an LSD trip from the week before. I'm planning something of equal strength but no distractions at the end of the summer.

The MDMA bit is right, but its more like candiflipping MDMA with a psych. You get an immense body high, and will feel entirely at ease to discover strengths within you that you never thought you had. Growing the cactus is a bit of a commitment - it takes at least five years! I'm planning to get some for my own growing purposes once I next move.

Oh, and as for the nausea, take enough mescaline and you'll be perfectly happy with your sick gut Very happy
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#6 Posted : 6/26/2014 2:49:27 PM

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Tyler_Trismegistus wrote:
Are those dosages you posted with extracted mescaline or the cacti powder itself? I feel like with the extract the nausea is probably reduced a slight bit, but nausea is nothing new to me considering my past of opiate dependence Razz

This is the time to really find out who you are and enjoy every moment you have. Take advantage of it.
#7 Posted : 6/26/2014 2:57:48 PM

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Thank you guys so much. Il probably brew the cacti for my first time. I'm most definitely a tryptamine person but this experience seems unlike anything else.
#8 Posted : 6/26/2014 3:43:25 PM

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Id go for a bridgesii rather than a san pedro unless your san pedro is already proven potent. Bridgesii is more consistently potent, where san pedro & peruvianus can vary wildly in alkaloid content from no alkaloid content at all to extremely potent. Of course this is all just fro reading but it seems to be well proven & agreed upon by people alot more experienced than myself.

Not to mention there are alot of crap san pedro genetics going around in the u.s. Potent specimens from good clones can be very difficult to find if your not already a collector.
#9 Posted : 6/26/2014 3:53:27 PM

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Thank you for that insight. I was actually thinking about that. I was wondering how I could get an accurate dose with the San Pedro since it does vary so much. If theres bad genetics going around I'll probably look into bridgesii
#10 Posted : 6/26/2014 4:22:05 PM

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Best advice i can give you is when buying cacti go for named clones.
San pedro has some named clones that are supposedly more potent as does bridgesii & peruvian torch. Just google around for which clones are best.
Do not buy from ethnobotanical vendors, they jack up the price on material that is from unknown origin & genetics. Find a private collector selling cuttings of clones. Or a good nursery to buy from (there are a few but i wont mention names here).
Be careful with collectors on ebay. While u can find good clones its best to at least compare pictures to make sire its what its labelled as. Some vendors will mislabel unknown clones as known rare clones in order to turn a huge profit. *cough cough*cactus kate trichocereus*cough cough*
#11 Posted : 6/26/2014 10:57:37 PM

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Yeah, those "Cactus Kate Pachanoi" are really just standard PC pachanoi and are pretty weak (though if you take enough, it will work). Most of the "san pedro" listed there is the same. You can find non-PC varieties of pachanoi on that site occasionally, though. There are a couple listed right now as short-spined peruvianus, which is really just a typical "real" Peruvian/Ecuadorian pachanoi.

If you don't know what you're looking for, bridgesii is probably your best bet. Weak ones do exist but they are generally less prevalent. There are threads here about specific clones to be on the lookout for. Reading around here and the nook will help you figure out what's worth getting.

This only really matters if you're doing the tea, though. If you're going to extract, you can just get a bunch of PC pachanoi and it'll still work fine. The good thing about extractions (at least when performed correctly) is that you know how much you're taking before you take it.
#12 Posted : 6/27/2014 12:25:33 AM
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Tryptamine420 wrote:
Id go for a bridgesii rather than a san pedro unless your san pedro is already proven potent. Bridgesii is more consistently potent, where san pedro & peruvianus can vary wildly in alkaloid content from no alkaloid content at all to extremely potent. Of course this is all just fro reading but it seems to be well proven & agreed upon by people alot more experienced than myself.

Not to mention there are alot of crap san pedro genetics going around in the u.s. Potent specimens from good clones can be very difficult to find if your not already a collector.

I bought a 30 cm San Pedro(T.Pachanoi) some 7 years ago. It's grown
quite tall, but I have been worried it might be a worthless strain with nearly no Mescaline.

Do you happen to know if those San Pedro strains with crap genetics are also sold by
european vendors?
#13 Posted : 6/27/2014 12:44:52 AM

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SKA wrote:

I bought a 30 cm San Pedro(T.Pachanoi) some 7 years ago. It's grown
quite tall, but I have been worried it might be a worthless strain with nearly no Mescaline.

Do you happen to know if those San Pedro strains with crap genetics are also sold by
european vendors?

Cook a piece up and see what transpires. If you use the 1 foot per dose as a yard stick you will get a good idea.

There's a lot of weak pach out there but there are a few good ones floating around Europe.

I find pach brews to be slightly sedating and relaxing but bridge brews are very stimulating for me. When it's coming on I get so energised that I have to get up and walk around and my whole body pulsates with a high energy vibration. Even after it's fully kicked in I find it to be very energising.
#14 Posted : 6/27/2014 1:37:55 AM

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The ones I see from Europe tend to be authentic more often. If you post a picture of it we can tell you if it's PC or not, though a non-PC ID is not a guarantee that it will be strong.

This is also a good start: http://largelyaccuratein...LAIM/pedro/pedro_02.html
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