I understand your apprehensions. I don't have much of anyone in my life who understands or even knows about my DMT journeys, so I'm very much a closet smoker.
I know that most people in this country are not open to the use of psychedelics, including many close to me. I choose to enjoy my journeys with the conviction that I know I get so much light and energy from DMT that I can't force anyone else to understand that any more than if I "found a new religion."
In my opinion, there are things we do for ourselves without forcing even knowledge of those practices upon others if we know they are good people but not open to acceptance ( mainly due to decades of successful government brainwashing.)
In my opinion, the strong, brave and intelligent do what they need for their own survival, keep what they need private as private, and share the other products of their efforts and goodness in life ( which there is plenty of to go around.)
I really don't think anyone needs to know every last thing about you. I think there are things best left unsaid and unshared with a focus on what makes things better in life for all.
Anyway, so thats my foolosiphy. If I'm wrong, then I guess I'll just go to hell for all eternity, or some other bulls*&t they told me along with the dangers of psychedelics that I choose to ignore. I'm going to be dead for a long time and I'll be damned if I'm going to live my life accepting guilt trips about what I know I love.
Mad Banshee
Note that the poster of this message would never actually use or recommend to use illegal substances. He is just an attention seeker and should be considered to be lying about everything he posts and his posts are only for the sake of generating discussion.