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Impossible is possible Options
#1 Posted : 5/29/2014 6:31:53 PM

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I am in awe about what just transpired in the last 4 hours.

I have taken a tea with 3.5g of some dried mushrooms Ive had in my freezer for over 3 years. I was expecting a mild trip, considering a couple of years ago I would take 5 grams of this same batch and just listen to music and enjoy the visuals.

Little did I know......

The trip completely took over my reality in a way I couldnt have imagined possible.
It came on as I showered 15min after ingestion, and I noticed my limbs started getting wobbly. I barely had the time to finish the shower, grab the towel and run to bed, as the effects would overtake my reality.

I have a hard time figuring the order of events, also because I feel like I ruptured the very fabric of space-time.

Imagine you are growing vegetables... There you are, in your garden, working the land.. Gotta take out these dried leaves here, gotta dig an irrigation ditch there.... But then you realize you are just a miniature version of yourself, actually living inside the mind of a person who has just ingested mushrooms. What a weird realization!

Or let´s say you are working hard on a problem, some sort of philosophical issue, you`ve been struggling with for long. After long deliberations you finally come to a solution! Yes, thats it!! You´ve solved something very significant! But then..

You are just sitting in your bed staring at the wall, and but a few seconds actally transpired, and you don`t even know what it was you were thinking before.

What was this problem I was working on so intently? It`s like climbing a hill, making all the strenous effort, but then at the end you realize there was no hill.

I`ve lived and relived so many situations, events, challenges, only to realize I was inside my mind, tripping.

How can so much experience fit into such small amount of time? Time makes absolutely no sense!

I dont know what I must have looked like from outside, but I was glad there was nobody around... I was even glad the cat was out for a walk!

I was completely humbled by the experience, I (re)gained a lot of respect for mushrooms. I´ve had moments that were the same as in ayahuasca cerimonies, where I felt I was being washed-cleaned-healed by another dimension. Ive seen so many things I can get better as a person, specially in my relationship with my girlfriend. I have had a detailed breakdown lesson of the issues I have to work on, zooming into the problems, with minute detailed comments and suggestions on what I can do to get better.

How is it I was taking nearly twice the dosage from same batch for a recreational experience a couple of years back, and now with this amount I negated time-space and grew vegetables inside of my mind?

It is just impossible that what happened just happened... But it did.

Thank you

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#2 Posted : 5/29/2014 6:52:27 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Wow thanks for sharing your experience endless

I've personally had my most beneficial experience on 2g of mushrooms. I had moments of clarity and was crying & laughing at the same time.

I'm glad you had such a unique experience and are able to share it with us.

Impossible is possible

#3 Posted : 5/29/2014 7:13:41 PM
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Mushrooms are powerful catalysts. Besides aya analogues and smoked dmt, mushrooms have been right up there, in terms of deeply dissolving/profound experiences. Always took around 3g.

With mushrooms, i've consistently had the specific realization , that "I", is nothing other than an observer, and that im part of this whole event, that is happening on it's own accord. Im not separate from this event. Temporarily being funneled through the sensory apparati that is my body/brain.

"Im a frequency phenomena."

Great writeup end. Smile Glad that you experience was this profound!

#4 Posted : 5/29/2014 7:41:48 PM
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5g fresh blew me away! Some things are more than just chemicals. I suppose that psilocybin is just an excellent catalyst as Tattvamasi put it. Smile
#5 Posted : 5/29/2014 8:40:36 PM

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I think a lot of it is also where you are at the moment. Back in the day when I was doing most of my heavy acid tripping, I would typically take 8-1200ug and have a fairly heavy breakthrough experience... But my one true white light godhead experience on acid happened at less than half of that. The substance is just the key; you are the experience.

And that time thing... Once I ate 5g and spent close to four hours in a sensory deprivation tank. There was this overpowering sense of "sequence" and "time" being two separate things, which subjectively can feel the same but objectively do not necessarily happen in lockstep. And I started doing this metronome thing, shoving off one side of the tank, drifting slowly to the other side, shoving again, getting this slow steady rhythm going. And I found that there was no limit to how much experience could be packed into each drift. You could drift straight across and it took a few seconds. Or you could start drifting, then switch tracks to a different thought sequence, go deep into it far a while, re-emerge, go back into another sequence, etc; all before bumping into the other side of the tank. It was then that I began thinking of time and sequence as being not necessarily the same thing.

Great report, Endlessness!
#6 Posted : 5/29/2014 9:34:42 PM

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Excellent report, I have experienced something similar during a couple of my journeys... I find it incredibly interesting that one of my experiences was only 1.5 grams of Transkeis crossed with Penis Envy and it was one of my most intense and mind bending journeys I have ever had with mushrooms. The strength of the experience really can be strain dependent, sometimes set and setting can make a far more profound impact on an experience than the actual dosage amount itself.

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The fate of our times is characterised by rationalisation and intellectualisation and, above all, by the disenchantment of the world.

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#7 Posted : 5/29/2014 11:08:42 PM

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Another reason why setting is everything . With mushrooms
you just never know what's going to unfold . They' can be difficult
to predict regarding dose . I don't understand why sometimes the smallest dose
Can rock your world and other times hardly any effects from the same amount .
My respect for them grows as the years pass . They are just so amazing !
Interesting report Smile
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
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#8 Posted : 5/30/2014 6:52:33 PM

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I find the experiences I have with mushrooms where I am on one topic/adventure then it changes and I am now on a completely different one with no recollection of the previous one fascinating. Its like a book with a bunch of short stories, you get through a page and then the trip flips to a new story before you finish the first one. I had a similar experience as yours but it was more physical. We would be walking through my friends property on our way to go do something and we would get distracted and forget what we were doing completely. So then we would have another idea for something to go do and that would disappear from our thoughts. I had revelations and ideas that I would ride for awhile and then POOF, gone only to start thinking about some other great idea.
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#9 Posted : 5/30/2014 9:58:30 PM

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Endlessness my brother you have been reminded that mushrooms are your friends.Big grin Thumbs up

Rendezvous with mushrooms are like having first intimate experience.Very happy You want it but it makes your stomach full of butterfly's and your knees buckle at the realization your about to transcend your reality.

ps. i think your getting old that could be answer to needing less to get more.Stop Laughing
˝What you are is this deep deep thing...and you love to play.˝ - ?
#10 Posted : 5/30/2014 11:44:31 PM

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Thanks Endlessness (and Guyomech) for sharing - both great reads!

I can defiantly relate to the different 'states' of realisation that occurs when we use these wonderful tools from Mother Nature
I've had some of my most powerful experiences on smaller doses. I can only assume it is due to either different state of the brain prior or more available brain receptors due to less neurotransmitters available at the time (naturally produced or altered from medication etc)

The Impossible DOES seem possible

...but Endlessness is still.... endless
Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder
#11 Posted : 5/31/2014 7:13:19 PM

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Another amazing and top notch experience report endlessness. Thank you so much for sharing.

How could this happen? It could be something as simple as you had eaten a lot of natural MAOI's in the days and hours prior to consuming the shroom tea. Or as elusive as, . . . "because it was exactly what you needed at the precise time you needed it." Big grin

Regardless, thanks again . . . impressive accomplishment of putting the ineffable into a very readable narrative.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#12 Posted : 5/31/2014 8:11:44 PM

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You inspired me to take my own mushroom journey yesterday and I'm so happy I did. Thank you for that Smile
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#13 Posted : 6/10/2014 12:04:49 PM

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When I was very young and smoking weed regularly, I would as much as anyone wind up in deep metaphysical exchanges with friends and I remember once one of them relating one of their less unusual more humorous ponderings to me. It was the nagging question she had in the back of her mind every time she smoked weed whether or not she wasn't just stoned forever onward after the first time, and this was all just part of the trip, and that she was simply no longer able to tell that she was permanently stoned and had never really come back to the 100% sober state of mind she had left. It's probably a common reaction to any drug, psychadelics especially, to consider things in this way after your whole reality has just been deflowered. But it had never occurred to me before that and it was a very fun concept to linger on introspectively.

What if that were true? Though not just for weed, but from some ancient, primordial, distant past event. What if every moment is exitless, yet depthless, in a word. Floorless, and we have fallen through - we are falling now through this moment -- and the next this moment, and the next -- here forever as the first yet lost inside the last. And are we going backwards or forwards? up or down? Is the climb for the summit or for the valley.

There is so much beauty in the details that one is quickly gone in them.

Thoughtful report endlessness, thoughtful post as always.

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