Hi and greetings to all!
I'm a relative new member of the psychedelic world, started with cannabis a few years ago and while on a weed trip to the netherlands tried mushrooms for the first time and slowly slowly the interest in other psychedelics started to rise.
Some months after, I started experimenting with legal plant materials (at least in Fin) such as HBWR, MG and pretty much any plant that was easy to come by and supposedly contains some psychedelic properties.
December last year it escalated pretty quickly when a good friend who had been deep in depression for some time started to talk about going to the netherlands for a Iboga ceremony.
At that time I had only read a little about Iboga and it had caugth my attention but I had'nt really considered doing it myself before I got more experienced.
However I told my friend after a few days of thougth that I would join him in the ceremony as support.
And it was a incredible thing and i doubt that I have fully understood the magnitude that it has affeted me.
In the weeks around the cermony I met a new friend through school who introduced me to the fine art of extracting DMT, I have done a successfull extraction but since I have still been in process after the Iboga (at least I percieve it as that), I have'nt yet tried it out.
But now, about 6 months after the ceremony I'm starting to feel ready and it seems like the nexus and its members could teach me a lot about hyperspace and beyond.
Time is nothing, place is everything.