Psytherion wrote:Perhaps if I had just let it take me I would have noticed the fear for what it was and just experienced something similar on my own Idk. I don't know if that's the case but it is what I'm going with anyway. Still plan on laying off of them though, I may go back to psychs again one day. But for now I need to just think on some of this stuff and how actions like that may affect others. And maybe I'll take gnosticisms route and just think about why there is good in the world for a bit.
Yeah often on psycs (and in life in general) if you follow the fear and allow yourself to feel it rather than trying to escape it then it will reveal its source.
I think your idea to seek out a Jungian psyciatrist is a good one I think there is a lot of truth in that school of thought.
This thread is confusing for people who havent followed your other thread you may want to quote all this and copy paste to the original.