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Incredibly interesting trips Options
#1 Posted : 5/31/2014 5:48:31 PM
I compulsively post from time to time

Posts: 1123
Joined: 27-Apr-2011
Last visit: 16-Jan-2024
Inspired by Kilindi Iyi and Universecannon on chat who 'jokingly' suggested for me to take everything I managed to take the 13g that I had conserved from a grow-kit. Not a strikingly strong batch (Mazatec Variety, too much sunight) but I'm definitely doing this more often. I spread them over two cups.

I was living healthy at the time so i felt strong enough to handle everything the universe throws at me. It's been a while so i might have made some mistakes on the timelines. I could make it shorter but I feel like that will evaporate some of the magic!

0:05 -Took the first one and put on some music and it was already kicking in.

0:10- Decided to take the second cup but a stern voice told me I was not allowed to. I asked what I need to do to be allowed to take it safely. It said promise to be a Boddhisattva. And I hallucinated a 'holy one' and kind of took a vow. Then all doubts vanished and I happily drank the cup.

0:20- Felt like I was in the desert.

0:30- Listening to Ott's album with introductory lyrics: "All phenomena are temporary, remember, Nirvana is true peace"

0:40- A Multi-layered multi-dimensional Harddisk was seen entering the mindspace. A Bodhisattva as I recognized it. A certain energy and a surge of tingling sensation was felt in the body. Electrical impulses where involuntarily altered in my jaw. And it made them hang wide open. Weird. (Had some issues relaxing my jaw during meditation)

0:50- Boddhisattva and me where communicating. Not sure if fantasy. It expressed a liking in me. It said that I am a very kind person and deities love to hang around with me. It said that this multidimensional hard-disk is it's traveling unit throughout space and time. And that it literally crosses over eternity each time it enters and leaves dimensions. And that quite often when it is with me it does not want to leave but it has to.

1:00- Danced to Ott's Blumenkraft as I was instructed to. It was warm in this desert so I loosed some clothing. The music is not exactly my style but I enjoyed it non-theless. Thinking this music was for people a little more stylish than I am.

1:30- The music was getting a little too much and I turned it off. Had visions of my Fighting Instructor from Poland. He was resembled like a Fighting Dragon. His personal energy body was seen as an Angry dragon. Fighting for the pride and redemption for all the hardship that his race went through.

1:45- Saw visions of a Pharaoh who knew about the afterlife. Who bullied his people to carry a ton weight of stone to build his Pyramids. Ruling with the fist of fear and dictatorship, overshadowing the original motivation of love for his people.

1:50- My Fighting instructor has the same goal for me. I was crawling over the floor. The cells in my body at this point where super sensitive. Walking was as if carrying thousands of my cells for the first time. The floor was seen as a road of pain. Crawling over it was cultivating hardship. Having crawled over the first meter. The road disappeared. And I was stupified by the sudden realization of how ridiculous this looks. I roared with laughter!

2:00- Bodhisattva announced it's leaving. After I saw it leaving my visionary state had stopped. Immediately become aware of an 'evil presence' in the left side of my brain. Hiding. "Gotchya!" I said.

2:10- Made intentions to smoke DMT to analyze this 'evil'.

2:15- But first, some water.

2:20- Made some notes about how we used to be monkeys and stood up straight as a possible reason for why humans have such a weak back.

2:30- Have to get this water into my body. I was not allowed to just forcefully drink it. I had to let it slide into my throat. It was hard. I rolled some water around in my cheeks and my cells seemed to express gratitude back at me.

2:40- Turned off the light and closed the curtains in my bedroom and stood there with my water. Trying to find a way to drink it slowly. In the back of my head and in the spatial vaccinity of the dark room a hallucinatory state was witnessed. Each thought-pattern and bodily movement induced like a miniature DMT trip in the back of my head. Not as invasive as DMT but of the same origin and style. Weak visual but very spiritual and eye-opening to the thought process.

3:00- Something completely crazy happened. A room underneath my appartment some girl is doing crazy 4-7 day binges on snorted Ritalin and Valium. My body sat in a sort of relaxed normal position. But my consciousness was perceiving a traveling motion through these rooms. As if my soul pushed through the material of the wall and ended up as a talking face in her living room..

3:05- I saw the girl sitting in her couch completely sedated from the valium but wide awake from speed. She finally noticed me but she coulden't care less that a face was hanging on the wall. Only when I talked to her and lectured her about her behaviour that her face began to show an expression of fear and generally going crazy. She looked as if she is used to this state.

3:05- My body was still sitting in relaxed position but my body seemed transparant. I could look right through it and perceived water druplets flowing through it. I thought they where the 'spiritual tears of the world' which at later glance was probably massive amounts of excessive sweating.

3:10- A little more thinking occured and trippy scenes. next part is quite hard to explain but besides the previously events it was probably the most significant.

3:35- A voice told me; You are never going to experience Nirvana, You are about to experience a lot of pain, but you will come to like this pain. The next hour was spent being stuck on my bed. With a completely illogical thought-pattern and almost complete traveling through associatory pathways in my brain/memory. It was not nice. But the pain did lessen over time.

4:00- completely forgot about smoking DMT to adress this 'evil'. I became aware of being a tiny particle in a grid of energy. Chronological order is distorted. But I thought I could feel the consciousness of the entire city. In this energy grid though, thigns where peaceful. It is the most intense "world" if I may call it that that I have ever witnessed. I think this is the part where Kilindi Iyi mentioned is beyind the light and beyond the void. Or maybe further.

4:15- Feeling my consciousness as a particle in this world sheltered me from the delerium and fear/pain experienced in the real world. I felt as if I could utilize an infinite source of kinetic energy. I looked for my friend's consciousness and talked to him. Eventually I dragged another particle that resembled him next to my particle.

4:25- I dragged out Jaimy from this forum from across the sea. I think he was found somewhre in the southern part of North America. He was a little annoyed, but I said i had something to show him. I dragged a particle towards these other two and they where now 3 particles, and looked as if they formed a molecule. The particles where yellowish spherical spinning energy balls, by the way.

5:00- Finally woke up from the delirium. And became aware of a darkish material trying to push through my bedroomwall but was being pushed away by an electromagnetic aura.

And that was my trip..

The delirium part was probably really stupid. Probably my sometimes weak mind has something to do with it. I am very gullible for illusory thought-patterns. But non-theless. I enjoyed this thoroughly and am definitely doing it again.

I'm a noob though. Don't take everything I say as literal truths. This is just my interpretation of the course of events. I may have left out some significant parts. Especially the way the city was perceived as another level of existence. But yea, this induced some crazy delirium. Certain 'fears' and stuff seemed to materialize. For example, I thought a burglar was trying to attack my neighbour. And I literally imagined people walking up the stairs. Then leaving. Then coming. But it never came. Smile

Something to be aware of delerium on higher doses. Especially when walking around. But very fun non-theless. These parts where actually the most fun and playful. I thought I was doing real life Splinter Cell for a while. Dem darn Video games! Very happy

Congratulations on finishing reading, btw. Thanks for the interest. I hope you enjoyed it. It is hard for me to make myself understood but it was fun for me atleast. There's more coming from me hopefully with drawings and more presence of DMT-Nexus members in my mushroom trips.


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#2 Posted : 5/31/2014 6:01:16 PM


Posts: 1175
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Location: emeraldisle
Holy moley man, love the report. Amazing visions.

You've inspired me to think about high doses now Pleased

The chain continues.
#3 Posted : 6/1/2014 2:44:44 PM
I compulsively post from time to time

Posts: 1123
Joined: 27-Apr-2011
Last visit: 16-Jan-2024
Aw thank you! I am very glad to hear you enjoyed it.

I may be a hard-head with psychedelics, I need a lot and also had a weak batch. But I think higher doses are just as easy to handle as say, any other dose.

Just have to be careful not to walk around the city and be chased by black helicopters or UFOs of some sorts. I have seen such reports on Shroomery as well. Razz
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