I too.struggled with heroin addiction.for years. After Alost dying multiple.tomes and just hating.my.life I decided to change.
Best advice I have for you is this. If you keep.doing what you've always done, you'll get what you've always gotten.
The point is for me at least I had to change my behaviors. Step outside my comfort zone and do a lot of things I didn't necessarily like doing. Things that made me afraid and really anxious. But I was so sick of the life I had been living I was willing to do anything to stay off the junk.
Meet new people and go hang out with them, take up a hobby that your passionate about. For me its technology and psychedelic medicines. Change up your routine from what you've always done. Stay busy with positive stuff and life will get better.
And like I said do the things you know are good for you but you don't wanna do.
Glad to hear your on a new path. DMT specifically as well as MDMA have helped transform.my life. Brought me back to meditation and spiritualism and made my life better.
Hope you find the path you need either with or without our entheogenic friends.
That moment when you wonder if this time you went too far....
Obviously everything discussed here is the fictional accounts of someone with an out there imagination. I mean really could any of these tales be real?