So rationally, "beliefs" can be change based on new "knowledge"
---Is there such a thing as innate knowledge?
So, I'd argue we have innate belief (for example, killing other people is wrong). The problem, is these beliefs can be changed based on external input (such as indoctrination). But does this mean, "knowledge" must come from externally changed, or reaffirmed beliefs... and therefore cannot be innate or intrinsic..?
---Is all knowledge recollection?
If it is NOT innate, then it must be recollected.
Thou.."recollection" is to "recall something from the past", and seeing as we are all living several milliseconds in the past, then it would have to be recollected.
---Is knowledge just a social fabrication furnished by the contingencies of history?
I think that new knowledge can also come from within as revelations, due to a combination of past experiences of your social and personal experiences.
---Is it a partial view of some kind of 'akashic record'?
Need to google that record

---Does the mind have a pre-established affinity with truth?
This is an interesting and quite thought provoking question. I'm gonna have a sleep on this one.
---Is it composed of free-floating mind-independent entities that visit you at their whim?
Probably not
---Is it merely justified true belief?
I think the knowledge comes before the belief process
---Is it always secondary to the striving of malicious human wills?
---Does knowledge reveal or obfuscate the phenomena it's supposed to address ?
What's the phenomena it's supposed to address?
> How has DMT changed what you 'know' about knowing ?
I've felt the experience of "knowing everything" when landing back from hyperspace before, specifically with Confusa... And I even KNEW at the time I was going to forget it...
Throughout recorded time and long before, trees have stood as sentinels, wise yet silent, patiently accumulating their rings while the storms of history have raged around them --The living wisdom of trees, Fred Hageneder